Aaron Smith mix for my band's album teaser


Count Blastula
Nov 20, 2009
Hi folks! Recently I've been working with Aaron Smith on some teasers for my band's debut album. This is the first we released, it's very short I know, but still enjoyable :)

And here is the audio portion:

For this preview we used a Music Man JP12-7 with stock Crunch Lab and Liquifire pickups, both on rhythm and leads. Tone is Axe Fx II on rhythm and leads too.
I like the lead tones but honestly not so happy with the rhythm, I just tweaked a quick preset on the go and that's about it, thought it was good enough for this purpose.
Bass is a Spector Euro 5LX with EMG DC40 pickups, I just tracked it directly using the Axe Fx II as a DI, then sent the file to Aaron. Don't know what he did exactly reguarding bass, but I love it!
Drums are just Metal Machine as far as I know, again, I thought it was good enough for the teaser.

I overall dig it a lot, hope you guys like it too! :)
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