ABIGOR reforms


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
There’ve been a lot of pro and contra but at least I decided to restart ABIGOR, leave HELLBOUND and lay ST.LUCIFER to ice. There’re different reasons for this decision, and some might hate me about it, but I give a shit on them.
I know, I wrote that I am pissed by the Black-Metal scene as I split ABIGOR back in 2003, and still I am, but maybe this "not being involved" made me thirsty again. However, I don’t feel the need to justify my point of view anymore, accept it or not, ABIGOR is back!
Currently it’s me, and Lukas Lindenberger on drums, but T.T., Thurisaz, and Silenius are still invited to join the band again, time will tell. Don’t expect a rise of the ‘old’ ABIGOR, it’s 2006, ABIGOR is reborn, and it’ll be a new area - we’re back, still hell!


Abby Normal.
eh, we'll see. i love the old stuff like nachthymnen, verwustung and supreme immortal art. haven't heard the post silenius stuff like satanized or channeling the quintessence..., but i've heard they arent as good.

ive heard the hellbound/amestigon split is nice