Aborym - With No Human Intervention

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
With No Human Intervention
Code666 2003
by Nathan Pearce

Aborym classifies their brand of black metal as “alien-black-hard/industrial”. The band’s label, Code666, simply calls it “necro post-black metal”. Take your pick, or coin your own term. Aborym has solidified their sound and reputation with the release of the OUTSTANDING ‘With No Human Intervention’. With the success of the genre defining ‘Fire Walk With Us’, Aborym was being looked to as the answer to the somewhat stagnant black metal scene. With special guest appearances from Nattefrost (Carpathian Forest), Irrumator (Anaal Nathrakh), Matt Jerman (Void/OCD), Sasrof (Diabolocum), and Bard “Faust” Eithun (ex Emperor, now drummer in Dissection), Aborym has more than delivered on their latest venture into the future of black metal.

Much like the breeding of a crack-whore, begging for her fix of ecstasy, with a sadistic psychopath black metal demon, Aborym combines the underground scenes of both techno/electronica and necro black metal. Make no mistake, though, ‘With No Human Intervention’ hits you even harder, faster, and meaner than any previous efforts from the band. Songs like the lightly textured computer-groove of “Does Not Compute” seem to help alleviate the barrage of blast beats programmed by Malfeitor Fabban, Nysrok Infernalien, and other guests, and the filth spewed upon the listener by vocalist Atilla Csihar. But it’s the times when the band is neither black metal nor techno when they are at their peak. The two styles seem to intertwine to create a sonic landscape from a future I’m afraid to ponder. “Digital Goat Masque”, among other songs, takes this sonic landscape into the realm of tormented post-black metal perfection.

An album like this has no best songs or parts you skip over. Its design was as an entire album of a conceived blackened future; almost a soundtrack to hell on Earth. Much like a night of drug addled bliss, ‘With No Human Intervention’ will entertain you; it will enlighten you; it will transfix you; it will enthrall your mind in its blasphemous symphony of digital darkness . . . but in the morning, you know there will be a price to pay. Simply put, this album is simultaneously hypnotic and scalding.


to MFH, fuck off, what techno do you find in 'Fire walk with us', carpathian forest, gorgoroth and many more? the problem is that most reviewers are using this fuck of a cliche and everybody wanks on it.
wake up to the revolution in music!

Aborym rules!
This is ground breaking record that many narrow minded, so called "true" Black Metal finends will not find appealing. That being said, this is 2003 not 1993 so the rest of us move forward.
The music is as dark as anything you heard and the industrial elements just add to the cold, morbid feeling. Make no mistake, this is not a dance record! There are some unmistakable Morbid Angel like riff structures here as well especially in the track THE TRIUMPH. A revolutionary record that will be a template for others in the years to come.