About Death Machine in Headway (and not only...)


Gogol Bordello
Mar 28, 2002
I was really amazed by their performance, which reminded me the gods Death SS.
Killer sound - and the devil Tipton bass player giving a super lunacy to the whole thing. I was almost thinking "why do these guys lose their time, when they can just play this wonderfull and superbe prog metal with Zero Hour".. alas i was wrong, Death Machine own too.
BUT... I want to PRAISE Death Machine's singer for the porno sound effects back in the hotel. He added to the magestic and ecclesiastic atmosphere of the night ....
:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
It wont be difficult to find who i am
thanks for the update..lunacy stage performace, killer sound, porno effect. NOW THAT RULES !

Haha yea that was fucking awesome! I think it was my favourite performance of all Headway. Bought the cd and one of the last white/black shirts. Ripping performance and Troy and Jay were very nice (not to mention grateful) guys too :)
Thanks so much Iofthestorm and Flechdrop for the kind words, YOU GUYS RULE!!!!! Very cool to meet you two and hope you had a great weekend.

The first two songs were Last Breath and Loss for words!!! Death Machine is all about the live thing and i'm so STOKED people could see that come through in our performance. Look forward to seeing you guys again and talk to you soon.

Yep! You fucking SLAYED!!! I loved the show. Too bad I have not seen you guy's on Sunday. You missed a great day! Biomechanical, Ice Age and the best of all

Sieges Even!! Man, you guy's are going to be dissapointed when you hear what a great performance you missed. One of the best gig's I ever saw! Legendary stuff I tell you.

I also enjoyed it because I had some support from a bunch of crazy freaks form Greece!!! :headbang::headbang::headbang:

Sieges Even en Psychotic Waltz RULE :worship:
Opeth and PoS SUCK :erk:

FLechdrop said:
Uhm wtf, Opeth and PoS suck? Seriously? Kinda disrespectful to say I would think.. I love them.
It's a inside joke between me and the Greeks.

However; this may come as a shock to you but we don't all have the same taste in music. Yes I do not like those bands. So what? If you disliked Sieges Even or Zero Hour for instance it would not bother me for one second. As for disrespectful, I believe in free speech; that means I say whatever the hell I want. If there are people that don't like it that's fine with me, but I am not going to hold back one iota of what I want to say.

Taste in music is personal. I never engage in a discussion of personal taste it's the biggest waist of time anyone can think of.
Sure, I never intended to discuss personal taste..
Of course you can dislike those bands, (I don't dislike Zero Hour or Sieges Even at all btw :p), but to say they 'suck' is a rather strong and objective statement. I would have had no problems whatsoever if you would just have said you dislike them. Something making clear that it is your personal opinion instead of stating it as a well known fact. But then it wouldn't have been your inside joke of course, so nevermind me and go ahead running against the grain in a genre that runs against the grain.

You are right. Maybe I should have Pm'ed IOfTheStorm. I don't know, like I said it was meant for him and not anyone else.

Anyway, it was supposed to come over as a joke. Too bad you took offence.
Hawk and everyone on this board RULES!!!! We all will have our own personal music taste and you can't neglect your ears. I know alot of people when I said i'm a huge fan of Pat Metheny, they would go out and check out a CD of him and they couldn't understand why I liked him so much. Sometimes music goes deeper than others. I remember when my Grandma was trying to battle cancer, I would listen to Pat Metheny travels (this is when I was 12) and it would hit me and make me relax. Today when I play it, I love it even more because I always think of my Grandma and I love it so much for that. I would recommend that CD and people would tell me, "ah i'm not diggin it" but I would never get offended.

I know the feeling when people would say "do you like this ProgMetal band" and I would say "ah i'm not really into there music."

Both Flechdrop and Hawk are really kick ass people. When we first came out (ZH) Hawk was always looking into getting us to Holland and I appreciated so much that he wanted to help out.

Ok maybe the point isn't coming together exactly how I planned it but I know everyone on this board has bands they dig and bands the wont agree on. What is cool is we all love music and music freaking RULES!!!!!

Always appreciate everyone coming on to the forum and throwing up a post. I hope soon the new ZH will be done and we can all talk about that, the good and the bad. I'm very excited about "De-Evolution" and feel it's our best yet.

YOU ALL RULE and have a great weekend.

I Loved what Jasun had to say about music, it really hits the nail for me. There is lots of stuff I like that other people like and lots of stuff I love that other people cannot stand. For me it is what makes music interesting in that it is so personal how music reaches you. I also love it when people turn me onto new bands that I would never gotten into. In the end its that passion for music that counts!