About the design of the shirts...


New Metal Member
Mar 22, 2004
I have a question for all the people of the forum. Does anyone have the design of the back picture of the shirt in medium/big size? It's for a tatoo in black & white in my arm and i don't find nothing in internet...

PD: Sorry for my bad english, i'm from catalonia XDDDDD
Well I don't buy the shirt for two reasons:

1. it's a bit expensive for my economical conditions
2. i don't want a longsleeve shirt, i prefer normal shirt

My opinion is that any shirt should cost 10 ? as much...
Sorry, Finland is a expensive country. 20 euros for a good quality and not fake band-shirt is very cheep. Normal price would be something about 25 to 35 euros. In the shop I usually buy all my cd:s (spine center) they sell shirts for 37e if I remember right.
Oh sorry but i don't live in a expensive country, spain is a good touristic destination for the rest of european habitants because it have cheap prices but the standard of living is equal...
On a similar note... is there anyway to order a T-shirt version of the Kalmah shirt?

I hate longsleeves... prefer to just wear a T-shirt thru all seasons.
Buy the shirt, cut the sleeves.
You guys should get some of those sweater hood things too... like those CoB is selling. Those are cool :worship:
We decided that we are not going to print new shirts until the reminding shirts are sold. So, there is no guarantee we might print T-shirts or any kind of shirts after that. There is a change that the ones who hold the order in order to get Kalmah T-shirt will remain empty handed.
So you think I should order longsleeve just to ensure I get some kind of Kalmah shirt?

Just out of curiosity... why does Kalmah even consider *not* printing new shirts (t-shirts+coats, etc...)... I mean wouldn't they make some cash off of it?
I got my shirt in the mail today, only took 15 days (11 business days) from Finland to Canada. Awesome! I fucking love the shirt already too. I'll be wearing it with pride to Slayer Friday night!