About the Swanö issue and #49 mailing!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

Apparently my work doesn't like over 100 personal envelopes in their mailstop. urgh. Very, very, very, very, very bad. Trying again today, and never again putting them anywhere but in a post office mailslot at the friggin post office.

#49 will mail Monday, I'm doing a show writeup of the Nile/Napalm Death/Dark Tranquillity/Strapping Young Lad/Berzerker show I was at last night and making a tie-in with my piece about the Maryland Death Fest. No way I was going to zombify myself by finishing that up when I got home and then try to trudge into work today. The long awaited Wuthering Heights inty will be in this issue as well.