About to pull the trigger on the Adam A7X...


Bulging Member
Mar 6, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Worried they're going to be too overkill. I'm in a pretty small room; W:2.6 x L:3.5 x H:2.4 metres. The room I've been demoing them in at the local music shoppe is about the same dimensions, if not narrower, and they're sounding like the clear winners out of everything below and near that price range.

They're a great sounding monitor. I've used the A7's at home for a few years, and heard the A7X's plenty through work....I don't think you'll have any regrets at all. They probably are slight overkill for that size room, but the low end repsonse of the A7X's is totally worth the extra $$$ over the smaller models.
Definitely a good idea man, you won't regret that purchase! If you dont mind me asking what are you using at the moment?
Dude you are going to be so stoked with the upgrade, I used to have HS80's. Absolutely horrid things. That being said, you can pry my Yamaha MSP7's from my cold, dead hands.