Musicians’ Opinions On The Rising Tide Of The Anti-american Feeling


Threatcon Delta Force
Feb 12, 2002
New York
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Inside a mess after scaring wars, violence and terrorist attacks, the world sees the rising tide of a strange feeling all around the world. Could we call it as an Anti-American feeling? Maybe. Anyway, what’s the cause for this? Would it be Bush? Would it be the American people? Would it be America foreign policies? What’s happening that the most powerful country in the world, the U.S.A., is now seem as a dangerous place to live with dangerous minds in the government? How would you explain the fantastic American Athletes being catcalled in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?
Reading this I’m sure you have your opinion and already answered most - if not all the questions.
This article has no intetion in offending American people or the musicians anyway. This is just about the politic side of music. Music is used in the elections everywhere. Music is used to move the youth and its movements. So why should we not get on this?
Having this in mind, we asked the musicians:

What's your opinion on the rising tide of the Anti-American feeling around the world and which would be the reason for this?

They answered and we ask you: respect every single musician and every opinion. Read, reflect, think...

When you read this you'll probably think about this, and may want to be a part of this article? Well, send a photo 100 * 100 pixels and your answer to and your opinion is most likely in there when it's time for the one update in October

Adam Bomb
Maybe the war or President Bush has something to do with it.

Alan Nemtheanga (Primordial)
Why the lives of over 1 000 000 Africans in Rhwanda are somehow less worthy then the 3000 people who died in 9-11? the answer is clear. There is no oil in Rhwanda.

Albert Bouchard (Blue Oyster Cult - Brain Surgeons)
There has always been a feeling of resentment toward Americans among certain types. But lately I think the resentment is more justified. Certainly the mess in Iraq has a lot to do with it but more than that I think the tone of "W" is offensive to most people outside of America and a great many inside too. Maybe a new president will help a little.

Aldo Lonobile (Secret Sphere)

I am not happy with this Anti-American feeling, but looking at the way their
president works and makes decisions it's comprehensible to have these feelings.
I totally disagree with their government, but we can't blame all. I have
lots of friends there and all them disagree with president Bush.

Anders Iwers (Tiamat)
I think that a lot of these feelings have to do with the USA seeing themselves as "world police" which of course is great for instance for the Kuwaitis , but it's gonna provoke a lot of anger with people not sharing the views of the Americans.

Andreas Kisser (Sepultura)
The reason is pretty obvious: the foreign policy of U.S.A., mainly Mr. Bush's. An arrogant and violent policy, but we can't blame all the Americans for this. There's a lot of intelligent and great persons in that country.

Andy Sneap (Sabbat)
The reason? The White Stripes I guess.

Andy Tanas (ex-Krokus - Black Oak Arkansas)
I love my country but would be the first to say that as a super power we grew up way too fast. U.S. is in a catch 22 situation now where we're hated if we intervene. If we don't and widespread genocide or human rights abuse is rampant then most of the world asks "why aren't you doing something"? Almost like damned if you do...damned if you don't.

Andy Timmons (Solo / ex-Danger Danger)
Regarding the anti-American sentiment that's growing: It's very sad for me obviously, because it wasn't my idea to go to war. It's a bizarre feeling to realise that I'm hated due to where I live. But how do you effectively deal with growing terrorist threats? Everyone loses. I wish love, peace, and understanding for all.

Antti Kokko (Kalmah)
Politics reasons: I guess the reason is Bush and Irak and the fact that US government is trying to be the king of the whole world. Nature reasons: I visited States first time couple of months ago and I'd say the lifestyle is a disaster for nature. People: I`ve nothing against people in States. When I was in States, they were very helpful, open and it was nice to have conversations. One thing was remindable, no-one knew where Finland is. Most of people didn't even now where Scandinavia is. I wonder what they are tought at geography lessons... American history?

Aquiles Priester (Angra)
It's natural, mainly if we look through American's culture point of view. They impose and dictate the rules to the rest of the world and the fact that they are always involved in all the recent conflicts, helps even more for this growing of the anti-American feeling.

Bill Leverty (FireHouse)
It makes me very sad that there is any anti-American feeling around the world. My guess is that this is because some people and the media are only focusing only on the negative political situation in Iraq.

Billy Gould (ex-Faith No More, ex-Brujeria)
Isn't the reason obvious for the anti-American feeling? It's totally obvious to me. The majority of Americans have their heads up their asses.

Billy Sheehan (Steve Vai - ex-Mr.Big - Talas - Niacin)
I think its unnecessary. I'm an American and I want peace & freedom for all my fellow mankind on Earth. Every American I know is concerned for the well being, safety, and freedom of all other countries. We gave Japan and Germany their countries back, and helped them rebuild, in spite of what they did to the world. People have a short memory.

Brian Vollmer (Helix)
I think there is a great deal of anti-Americanism for one reason: jealousy. I believe a lot of anti-Americanism is the result of the fact that because America is a free country and based on democratic principles it regularly examines it's faults and exposes them, unlike many countries around the world.

Byron (Bal-Sagoth)
Those who display anti-American or anti-British sentiments within the Western world should instead be thankful that there are such mighty sentinels of liberty who are dedicated to preserving freedom throughout the globe.

Craig Nielsen (Flotsam & Jetsam)
This war has done nothing except to start the world talking openly about "need" for the U.N coming in and saving the day. But why would anyone consider letting themselves be ruled by beaurocrats that they did not elect and wouldnt trust with keys to their car, let alone the future of mankind? People cant be trusted with that much power.

Daniel Gildenlöw (Pain Of Salvation)
It's of course in a way unfair towards the American people, but politically and historically they should have seen this coming for a long time – why should this time be any different than the rest of our history? The problem seems to be that they constantly vote for presidents that have no clue about knowledge, science and history - or international relations I might add.
Fighting fire with fire only worked once - in a Metallica song. And to be honest, I don't think it worked really well even then. ;) Right now, USA follows a historical well-repeated pattern of paranoia and active defense in a crusade that's been done so many times before in the backwaters of the birth and prosperity of grand nations, and it has always led to devastation and collapse of the social and political structures, the minute you spend more money on defense than on social matters and sociopolitical development. I cannot understand how they do not see that? You only have to read a few books to see that pattern - and they are in the library for crying out load!
I don't expect every citizen to know this, but the government, the president that leads his people down a path of destruction that has never worked, it's just sad to see. Since the so-called war on terror started you can't go anywhere without risking to be blown to pieces or be caught in someone's crossfire. The initiative is of course very heroic and decided, and might have worked in a bad film starring Mel Gibson - but it doesn't work in real life, never have. How can this not be more known by at least someone influential enough people in the White House staff or even the press and public? Does it need to be on Letterman or Ricki Lake for this knowledge to be spread? When Bush junior walked into the White House I said that "this man is gonna lead the world to war and instability - it's in his eyes for anyone to see" - and I still don't think it was a coincidence that 9/11 happened during his reign. He is a threat not only to the American people, but to all peoples, to the environment and, utterly, to himself. He should be in another business.
Sorry. It is all about understanding how other nations and political systems function (the holocausts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the only times nuclear weapons were ever used on civilians by the way - took place due to a lacking knowledge of Japanese communication and pride), and that knowledge is not encouraged in the States right now. Americans - start an intellectual revolution! Live by the rule "if you're twice as big, you gotta be twice as kind" and you can start by kicking out that lunatic president of yours, he is hurting you in ways you don't even see, and will probably never even know! When I was to Egypt this summer I was standing right next to a few Americans buying post cards. They didn't buy stamps though, because they brought some from home. At times like that I don't know, I just don't know...

Doug Pinnick (King's X)
The world loves and hates us. Thats the problem with being the gratest country in the world and the worse country also. We are the big bullys and the protectors of this world, and we are just as corrupt. It all comes with the program.

Ginger (The Wildhearts)
America has always equalled their dodgy World politics with great bands/artists/art. Now they have entered a new age of World politics, wanting to Police certain parts of the Middle East etc, but aren't backing it up with positive entertainment policies. America leads the world of entertainment, and I hope they remember this very soon.

Gus G. (Dream Evil - Firewind)
I have nothing against the American people, as I have a lot of American friends. The whole Anti-American feeling has been created because their goverment thinks they rule the world and always fight wars that are not "their" wars. I also believe that their current President is the biggest terrorist and Antichrist of our times. Their wars have only brought more terrorism and fear to the world.

Guus (Orphanage)
Do I have to explain that? The USA treats the rest of the world with so much arrogance and superiority, that it starts to remind me of an obscure period in history, some 50 years ago. Disgusting, especially when more and more details about the 9/11 period are getting revealed and how Bush took the event to promote himself, with the "war against terrorism" as his main message.

Harley Flanagan (Cro-Mags)
The world usually is pretty anti-American, but no one can judge a people by the actions of the politicians. They have no reflection of what is really going and of course people are pissed at us. Our fucking president is an Asshole! Believe me, most Americans think so too!!!

Ian Parry (Elegy - Consortium Project - Solo)
This will pass once Bush losers the next election. I have a lot of great friends in the US who are really good honest people, so it's only the politicians who are creating the unrest, not the average person in the street over in the USA.

James Murphy
I hope they just focus that hatred in a positive way and vote in their countries to influence how their own governments deal with the US. And don't take it out on individual American citizens. Voting would have the best effect... if other country's governments would somehow penalize the US for the actions which they don't approve of by whatever legal means at the disposal of the international community (i.e. trade and travel embargos, etc.) then, if enough countries join in, US policy can be effected, and US voters influenced, randomly attacking US citizens however, will have the exactly opposite effect that might be desired. I don't agree with all my governments policies, and I vote my conscience on those matters. That is all I or any other person can do, no matter what country you are in (provided it is a democratic one of course).

Jizzy Pearl (Ratt - Love / Hate - ex-L.A. Guns)
We all know the reason behind a lot of the current anti-American sentiment, IRAQ. My opinion is shared with a lot of my fellow Americans on this subject and that is that we don't agree with what our government is doing, we're all not George Bush here.

Joey Alves (Y&T)
I can understand the negative feelings about America from the other countries, because we are always causing senseless trouble to other countries without being asked for our help. We should mind our own business and worry about the troubles within own country. And, those countries that want our help will ask.

Joey Vera (Fates Warning / Armored Saint / Anthrax)
George Bush is an Asshole!!!!!!

Johnny Monaco (Enuff Z' Nuff)
Anti-American feeling? This could be true but it's still way better here. I'm sure everyone wants peace.

Juan Garcia (Agent Steel)
The reason is obvious; The American President has put America in a bad situation in Iraq. I think the U.S.A. should get the hell out of the Middle East and let the people sort out their own problems. Iraq belongs to the Iraqi people and the United States should just worry about America and stop acting like the International Police! The United Nations should step in and deal with the mess.

Keith Knight (Aska)
People are always going hate someone. People used to hate Russia until they lost their power. Someone needs to keep the peace in this world. If we didn't go into Bosnia, it would have been a total slaughter and if didn't go take on Iraq the first time, Kuwait would have been lost. I think we would have kept to ourselves if terrorists didn't attack us.

Kelly Keeling (King Kobra - Michael Schenker - Baton Rouge - Blue Murder)
I am here in AMERICA and I love it here. Many things I do not like about it but we the people here in this free country are all joining together to try to change that, or to try to help guide our government officials into being more sensitive to the rest of the world. I think War is wrong in this day and age of such intelligence.

Kelly Shaefer (Neurotica - Atheist)
They should not be anti-American, they should be anti-American goverment. The people of america are not the problem. Our goverment is not making many friends, that's why there is such an uprising of hate sentiment towards america.

Ken Hensley (Solo - Uriah Heep - The Gods)
I think it's primarily because America drove the train to war in Iraq and nobody really knows why (Just as nobody actually knows why terrorists murder innocent people). They can't use the "Sadam ignored the UN resolutions" excuse either because that leaves it as a UN problem to deal with. No....America had unfinished business in Iraq and then there's the oil theory! Violence doesn't stop violence.

Kristian Andren (Wuthering Heights)
The Anti-American thing must comes from how America are running some of the issues (now) in the Middle East.

Kurdt Vanderhoof (Metal Church)
Its a shame that the U.S. is getting such a bad rap these days. I do hope that the people around the world would soon understand the difference between the government's actions and the feelings of the citizens.

Leif Jensen (Dew-Scented)
I don't think that there is any general uprising anti-american feel out there, but simply the fact that a lot of people are not in line and in support of some / most of the international decisions / moves that the current american governement has made in these past years.

Lenny Wolf (Kingdom Come)
Spending a lot of time in America, I know that the american people are as divided about the american foreign policy, just like Germany or any other country. Don't judge a whole country, by their political leaders. As long as people try to force their opinion or way of life onto other people, it will always result in conflict.

Lips (Anvil)
America is a wonderful society that got stabbed in the back by it's own freedoms. The president was not really voted in, and took control by means the world has never known. His personal agenda is becoming his legacy, picking up where his father left off. The real battle is being waged in getting Bush out of office, not just getting out of Iraq.

Marc Rizzo (Soulfly - Ill Nino)
I think no other country experienced 9 / 11 like we did. We were attacked and we retaliated to all who were involved. America is always fighting the evils of the world look at history.

Mark Jansen (Epica - After Forever)
I can fully understand, there have no weapons of mass destruction found (and there have probably been no weapons of mass destruction at all) in Iraq, and this was the "main reason" for the war. It just shows us how America wants to mislead us just to do what they want. We can't just let this happen.

Max (Hearse)
I can't see how American soldiers who claim that they fight for America and God are any better than muslim fundamentalists. Moral Majority, Coke, George W Bush, Schwarzenegger, Reagan, Ronald McDonald...bla..bla... Do I need to say more!? That country is in big need of help! Anti-American feelings are signs of sanity.

Michael Lardie (Great White)
My political opinions are best expressed by my right to vote in the next American election and I only hope things can change!

Mike Patton (Fantomas - Tomahawk - Mr. Bungle - Faith No More)
Probably because our president is a war loving idiot.

Nebelhexe (Nebelhexe)
It might have something to do with this ape called Bush quite obviously! Bush with his Christian Red Neck mentality and his sickening speeches that "god helps him fighting terrorism" and nonsense like that. That guy is inflicting damage both to the world and his own country.

Neil Turbin (ex-Anthrax - Kuni)
War is a terrible and unfortunate thing, but committing heinous terrorist acts and destroying innocent lives is far worse. We're going to defend and protect our lives and our country! We didn't start it, but we will finish it! You can't please all of the people all of the time. This is about survival.

Niclas Etelavuori (Amorphis)
They went to war with false reasons, which will make people angry even in places that aren't directly in touch with the war. I hope they will pick another president for the next term.

Nikolo Kotzev (Nostradamus - Brazen Abbot)
I think it is normal. The World is right and wrong at the same time. We all know that USA has quite good reasons to behave like they do. However, they should watch the line of what's right or wrong in their actions and should not give reasons for accusations of doing wrong.

Olaf Lenk (At Vance)
The anti-American is a really cool thing cause they're to big headed anyhow.

Oliver Hartmann (Empty Tremor - Genius - Avantasia - At Vance)
I think I will try to get a small Isle somewhere if George will win the "Bushland-election", cause then it's time to get you ass out of here! And I really understand everyone thinking like me, cause their "activities" are no question of humanity or human rights but just a question of oil and power. If Bush will be elected again this bad game will definitely go on. Maybe just the oil-groups and millionairs in Texas will smile to their ears!

Oliver Phillips (Everon)
To me it rather comes as a surpise that it took the world so long to develop that Anti-American feeling. I don't think it is wise to be "Anti-American", since you shouldn't put all of them in the same box, just like it's stupid as well to be "Anti-Arabic", "Anti-Jewish", etc. Speaking of the current US-gouvernment, as far as I can see George W. Bush is a trigger-happy moron from Texas, who has very little brain or diplomatic skill. To me he's the much bigger threat to the peace of the world than all Osama Bin Laden's or Saddam Hussein's together.

Patrice Guers (Rhapsody - Patrick Rondat)
Personaly I like American people, and people from everywhere, but I don't like the way the U.S. government manipulates people (Americans people first!) to impose his ideas to the rest of the world just for money reasons. But European governments, and others all around the world, are following this same capitalist way, without respect for humans and environment. It's important people react against it and say they want something else.

Scott "Wino" Weinrich (Probot - The Obsessed - Spirit Caravan - St. Vitus)
The rising tide of anti americanism is due to the dangerous ideology of our government.

Spike Cassidy (D.R.I.)
Of course the reason is because of what happened and what is going on in Iraq. People think that all americans are in favor of what our president Bush has done, and of the current situation in Iraq. People need to realize that what governments do, and what certain groups of people do, are not always what the majority is in favor of.

Stefan Zell (Wolverine)
I am not anti-America but I am definitely anti-Bush and anti-war. America is responsible for so many disasters and crimes around the world that I guess no one can keep count. The war with Iraq did definitely not happen for the reasons Bush & co claimed.

Steve Lukather
I would hate the USA too BUT..everyone has to rewalize that *WE* did NOT vote for this war nor to WE think this is cool, nor do I think George W is a great president. I am so sorry that the perception of ALL US people to be assholes. I am ALL about "peace and love" and all that goes with it. Thats like saying all Iraq people are terrorists that's not true. I pray for peace and soon. I got teenage kids. I want a better-safe world for them.

Steve Vai
I'm disappointed that there are Anti American sentiments around the world but at face value I can see that some of the things coming from the US are insidious and pathetic such as most blockbuster movies, reality TV, MTV, TV in general, and the higherarche superiority complex of being the worlds most powerful Country. But, having said that there is a tremendous amount of wonderful things about Americans and some of the things that come out of the US.

Tchort (Green Carnation - Blood Red Throne - ex-Emperor)
Norway where I live, is a pro-America country so we dont get to see much of the hate that other people express towards America. In regards of Iraq, I feel convinced that the Iraqi people will be better off without Saddam in the long run, regardless of what reason(s) the Americans had to remove him.

Ted Poley (Danger Danger - Melodica)
Because sometimes a few Americans are unconcerned with the rest of the world.. They think that the whole world should think the way we do here, they are not bad people but they dont understand other people and other cultures.

Tim Donahue (Madmen & Sinners)
This anti-American sentiment is unfortunate, because America is a big country with a lot of people and a lot of different views. But Bush and his extremely arrogant clowns are quickly destroying the USA (and the Middle East) every single day. I TOTALLY agree with all the anti-American feelings in the world today.

Tony Harnell (TNT)
It's a real shame. I travel a lot to Europe and I see the way people feel about us. I try to explain to them that we didn't all vote for Bush and that we're not all like the people on Jerry Springer! And we're not all fat and greedy. OK maybe the last part :) But, it is sad. I don't think they understand that the majority of us are not behind many of the decisions that have been made lately. I think they have to separate the people of the U.S. from the government and that may help our current reputation. But I also must say that just as our media is slanted here to serve a purpose, it is also slanted in Europe as well. They are making it worse not better and they are not always telling the pure truth without bias.

Tommy Shaw (Styx)
We are the last remaining superpower willing to come to the aid of other countries. We are also the country where people from oppressed societies still want to defect to, so go figure. But we have been guilty of overreacting and being unilateralists. It's hard to say what our allies, say France for instance, would have done had the 911 pilots flown planes into Chateau Versailles, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc d'Triumphe that day. Chances are they would have overreacted too, but perhaps not by invading Iraq. I guess we'll never know...

Valtias Mustatuuli (Arthemesia)
Hahaha, that's great! Americans (government, the state) are getting what they deserve - fucking world-police - there are some great individuals living in the States (Hail the True US-Metal), but the overall stupidity is overwhelming! It's all their fault, why the hell they are invading every poor country which has oil?

Wulfstan (ForeFather)
I think it's pretty expected when a big, powerful country like the US goes around the world imposing its way of life on people, interfering in their sovereign states and killing thousands of their civilians. Having a totally inept, brain-dead puppet-moron as president probably doesn't help either.

back to World Domination

Source: Worl Domination
I think rock music and its musicians has something to say about politics since the beginning. As far back as American folk music to delta blues, there were thought provoking lyrics about social injustices. I mean, there gotta something worthy to be angry and shouting about and to be delivered in a song. :)

Okay, late post. :D