Aboxcafe - Your place for coffee with a spoonful of anime


New Metal Member
Feb 20, 2009

Forum Name: ABoxCafe
Forum Url: http://aboxcafe.com
Members/posts: 364/74,207
Genre: Misc,Anime,Entertainment,Chat,useful
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Love eye-candy forum? Then be sure to check out ABoxcafe. A forum extravaganza aiming for pure entertainment on pretty much every level, starting at anime, going down the line through music, sports, games, news, RPs, anime shows and just fun chat!!
So why not come and join this great forum which also has a fantastic off topic section (Cafe) for you to chillax and rewind with the other forum members.

Come join the fun of Aboxcafe, with over 7 different contest constantly running and tons of interesting topics to you'll never be bored at AB!

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