log of the DT chat


Aug 9, 2002
You will find the whole log with colours on http://www.wallsoffire.de/Special/show_special.php3?special_id=74&lang=2

These are the bandmembers:

Jens: i know that niklas will be here but he coulcn't tell me who else will join the chat
Kerim: re
Kerim: [to Arch] 1-2 hours
Herugrim: Argh
Arch: Okay, danke.
Kerim: where are you from?
Kerim: again :)
Herugrim: Hrmpf
Arch: <---- Los Angeles, California, USA.
BLOOMlND: usa people are bad
dreamingNeonblack: i'm hungry
Kerim: [to Arch] relly? cool
rahvin: <---- turin, italy, even more italy :P
Kerim: hungry too
Arch: Hahaha.
dreamingNeonblack: what u mean they are bad?
Skald: <- damned place
BLOOMlND: rahvin ! grande un altro saggio italiano
SomberSoul: <---- vienna
Kerim: [to Skald] he he he
Kerim: itally usa austria...
rahvin: [to BLOOMIND] :lol:
Ormir: hey mikael!
Herugrim: Any drummers here?
SomberSoul: yeah...multi-culti
BLOOMlND: 26 a novembre
ZodiJackyl: Hey all!
SomberSoul: hej!!!
Arch: Hi.
rahvin: yep, i'll be there
Kerim: mikael? where?
Skald: hej Mikael
rahvin: hi mikael
rahvin: [to Kerim] zodijackyl = mikael
Ormir: zodijackyl = mikael
rahvin: hi caotico ;)
dreamingNeonblack: ohhhhh
dreamingNeonblack: how do u know?
Skald: Zody: are others coming tonight?
Jens: really? is that you mikael?
Ormir: how are you mikael?
ZodiJackyl: Yes it is I....How is everybody?...having a nice Jägermeister myself :-)
BLOOMlND: no theyre joking us...:p
Ormir: hello michael!
Herugrim: Rofl
rahvin: hello warwick
SomberSoul: hello michael
Skald: hej Michael
warwick: cheers
killswitch1968: Hur ar laget
Jens: hey mikael, where is niklas? will he join too?
Arch: Hejsån
dreamingNeonblack: wow!
warwick: nop
rahvin: niklas is here already, methinks :P
Skald: why?
Caotico: i'm here!
Herugrim: Will Anders join in?
BLOOMlND: noooo dont talk swedish please!
ZodiJackyl: He is coming......well he is actually already in..
rahvin: hey niklas ;)
Ormir: hey niklas
Jens: okay, all dt members please raise your hands!
Skald: Caotico = Niklas?
dreamingNeonblack: i'm confused :(
Herugrim: lol
rahvin: yep
Kerim: zodi; you want that we moderate the chat?
KIDd: damned
ZodiJackyl: m/
Herugrim: Chaos!
Jens: welcome to the walls of fire chat all you people!
Kerim: one second guys....
ZodiJackyl: m/
Caotico: i guess that moderation could be nice...?
Skald: Kapten Caotico :)
Ormir: let's see how things develop before drastic action is take
dreamingNeonblack: hmmm....
ZodiJackyl: Kerim...perhaps if it gets out of hand...but leave it for now...thanks
Caotico: ..or perhaps not - we'll see i guess.
dreamingNeonblack: lets all take turns...lol
ThomasL: So did the Almighty D.T came in?
Ormir: let's wait and see how many people end up here first
warwick: yepp
Kerim: [to ZodiJackyl] you give me a sign, pkay? then i will moderate this chat
Herugrim: This chat room is by the way the most ugliest I've ever seen =)
ZodiJackyl: sure thing
warwick: ha ha
ThomasL: Hi guys!
dreamingNeonblack: what hapopens when u moderate the chat?
Kerim: [to Herugrim] we have many doors :)
ZodiJackyl: Heru...agreed...the colors burn my eyes..
dreamingNeonblack: yess...my eyes hurt
rahvin: uhh, herugrim, zodijackyl, be polite to our guests ;)
Guest499: agreed, herugrim ;)
BLOOMlND: is there a particuliar reason because darktranquillitys got very very poor merchandising??
ThomasL: Who is who?
dreamingNeonblack: hmmm
Caotico: [to BLOOMIND] indeed - i designed the merchandise, so that's the reason.
Gast2975: raffooooo....chi sei?
Ormir: ok, this is gettign a bit out of hand, too much junk
BLOOMlND: io ;)
Ormir: i think moderating would be a good idea
ZodiJackyl: Bloom...I would like to think our merchandising is very good, even excellent...it´s just not very easy to get hold of...distribution is crap
Herugrim: Aye!
Ormir: or then all the drivel should be in a different channel
SomberSoul: great job, niklas, on the shirts! still enjoying mine :-)
Gast2975: cacchio..con questi che parlano inglese non capisco un gran che
rahvin: i agree with ormir
dreamingNeonblack: caotico is niklas an zodijakyl is mikael?
Gast2975: spiegami chi è del gruppo
ZodiJackyl: dreamingn ---yes
Arch: I guess that'll make DT merchandise rare.
BLOOMlND: allora c'è ZodiJackyl che è il cantante
dreamingNeonblack: ok thanks
ThomasL: Who represents D.T?
killswitch1968: caotico is niklas an zodijakyl is mikael he just said it.
Ormir: some drunks they picked off the street
ZodiJackyl: arch...agreed...But hopefully this will change...we will work on it.
dreamingNeonblack: i'm still awaitin my damage done jersey from headbangersdelgiht :)
ZodiJackyl: no we just have stunt-chatters....
BlackSabbath: s
warwick: michael nicklasson
dreamingNeonblack: stuny chatters?
killswitch1968: Yes, start at dreaminNeonblack, since BLOOMIND asked?
Arch: Hey Warwick.
BLOOMlND: well, i think its best to dont see DT shirts then seeing them on 13years old chupa chups boys listenin to korn
SomberSoul: more discipline and less chaos would be good
Ormir: mikael, ask for moderation clearly
warwick: hey arch
Herugrim: Hey, is Jivarp coming too or is this everything we're going to get? ;)
Caotico: less chaos?!?
Kerim: [to SomberSoul] you right...otherwise we have to moderate
ZodiJackyl: ok do it ormir...
Gast2975: non hai voglia di farmi un po di traduzioni
Gast2975: vedo che ti impengi.....
rahvin: i've only got one question before i go: after dd summarizing all your years of music, where do you think you'll be going?
ZodiJackyl: heru...this is all you get ;-)
Kerim: gast2975 english please
dreamingNeonblack: everyojne slow down
Ormir (private): Mikael just asked for moderation
Ormir (private): i think it would be a good idea too ;)
Gast2975: i think che spaccate ......
Anthixxx: Zod, some silly question, but, I read an article about the Istanbul gig (last october), one guy said that you had a "red-head" tattoo on your belly. any truth in this? promise I'll come up with better questions..
ZodiJackyl: rahvin...your speculation is as good as ours...We´ll see what the future will hold..
Ormir: yes
Caotico: [to rahvin] somewhere strange and beautiful, i guess.
BlackSabbath: I've got a question : Do you guys need side jobs or can you live of your music?
ZodiJackyl: anthixxx....It could be true ;-)
rahvin: thanks to both, i'll concentrate on something beautiful ;)
Anthixxx: hehe!
Ormir (private): Mikael asked for moderation, ask him
dreamingNeonblack: lol
ThomasL: Could you please introduce you're nicknames?
killswitch1968: [to ThomasL] Zodi=Mikael.
Skald: oh... moderating needed badly
ThomasL: Thanks!
warwick: nicklasson
dreamingNeonblack: anyone in except mikael and niklas?
Caotico: caotico = niklas
Caotico: doh!
Arch: Is Brandström coming?
ZodiJackyl: [to BlackSabbath] we all have sidejobs when we are not touring or recording.
Kerim: pkay guys...i will moderate now
ZodiJackyl: Kerim...thanks
tiamat: i am teh moderator
Caotico: ok.....
ThomasL: Are the whole band represented tonight?
Herugrim: DT> Does any of you know what kind of splashes Anders used on Damage Done? I just love their sound
ZodiJackyl: All but Anders and Martin B
Natalie: hi
Caotico: [to Herugrim] no idea really...but i agree that the sound is very good.
Herugrim: Oh, sorry
BLOOMlND: iquestion nr1: is martin brandstrom a happy and nice guy?
ZodiJackyl: No I really don´t...he usually breaks them pretty fast and he changes alot so it´s different each gig and recording.
Anthixxx: mike, Do you regret that you chose this way, if at all? I mean the uncertainty, sorta
dreamingNeonblack: when will that dvd be released?and will it be available on vhs also?an what songs please?
ZodiJackyl: bloom...one of the nicest and happiest I know actually..
Caotico: dnb: we're still waiting for more info regarding what the dvd will contain.
Skald: Martin Henriksson = Oavsett?
Mojo: lol
ZodiJackyl: Anthixxx...don´t really follow you...elaborate..
BlackSabbath: I've got another one : can you guys please come to croatia on your next tour because you've got load of fans over here!
Caotico: the details are pretty sketchy at this point.
Ormir: you can find the song list for the DVD on the official forum dreamingneonblack...
ThomasL: Martin Henriksson does a great guitar job and his position is more omnipresent in the music writing since he left the bass, but it still have the D.T “Almighty” sound. Has Martin Henriksson become the main guitar riffs composer today?
Ormir (private): yeh, thanks :D
Caotico: black s: we don't have much influence on the touring schedules, but if we get a serious offer, we'll gladly play everywhere.
ZodiJackyl: [to BlackSabbath] We certainly hope so, but usually these things are not up to us to decide. We will look into it though.
killswitch1968: I have only one question: I actually live in Calgary, but am on an exchange in Sweden. I would kill a man for an autograph at Klubben; how does one do that?
SomberSoul: regarding "ex nihilo": maybe it's just me but i'm always waiting for mikael to start singing. has this been an instrumental track in the first place? or did you only later on decide not to have vocals for it?
Caotico: [to killswitch1968] you could kill a man either by using a weapon (gun, axe..) or your bare hands.
KIDd: Artwork is great as usual.
dreamingNeonblack: i like this moderation thing
ZodiJackyl: Killswitch...you ask us nicely and we will respond accordingly..
tiamat: more questions guys
BLOOMlND: about my most loved song: lethe. Some words of the songs could refer to "lethe", fourth infernal river in "inferno" (Dante). What's the real meaning of the song?
Caotico: [to SomberSoul] the "ex nihilo" arrangement on the album was instrumental all the time, but we also tried out another version that would have contained vocals.
rahvin: aww, you stole my pun, caotico :P
ZodiJackyl: [to SomberSoul] There were discussion but nothing was written and I think it works better without..
Caotico: [to BLOOMIND] "lethe" is one of the underworldy rivers in greek mythology. as for the "real" meaning, i doubt there is one.
killswitch1968: Oh sorry, that wasn't meant to sound offensive. I apologize if it did. But yes, I would really like an autograph but I don't know what Klubben is like, or how big the venue will be.
Skald: Is there a difference between European fans and American ones? I mean, did Americans take DT music differently on your US gigs?
Ormir: you've done millions of interviews for DD... which question are you most sick of?
Caotico: [to killswitch1968] we usually can be found strolling around in the venues, so you won't have any problems finding us :-)
Skald: I think we should ask questions in a turn-based order, shouldn't we?
killswitch1968: Yes, start at dreaminNeonblack, since BLOOMIND asked?
Arch: Hey Warwick.
BLOOMlND: well, i think its best to dont see DT shirts then seeing them on 13years old chupa chups boys listenin to korn
SomberSoul: more discipline and less chaos would be good
Ormir: mikael, ask for moderation clearly
warwick: hey arch
Herugrim: Hey, is Jivarp coming too or is this everything we're going to get? ;)
Caotico: less chaos?!?
Kerim: [to SomberSoul] you right...otherwise we have to moderate
ZodiJackyl: ok do it ormir...
Gast2975: non hai voglia di farmi un po di traduzioni
Gast2975: vedo che ti impengi.....
rahvin: i've only got one question before i go: after dd summarizing all your years of music, where do you think you'll be going?
ZodiJackyl: heru...this is all you get ;-)
Kerim: gast2975 english please
dreamingNeonblack: everyojne slow down
Ormir (private): Mikael just asked for moderation
Ormir (private): i think it would be a good idea too ;)
Gast2975: i think che spaccate ......
Anthixxx: Zod, some silly question, but, I read an article about the Istanbul gig (last october), one guy said that you had a "red-head" tattoo on your belly. any truth in this? promise I'll come up with better questions..
ZodiJackyl: rahvin...your speculation is as good as ours...We´ll see what the future will hold..
Ormir: yes
Caotico: [to rahvin] somewhere strange and beautiful, i guess.
BlackSabbath: I've got a question : Do you guys need side jobs or can you live of your music?
ZodiJackyl: anthixxx....It could be true ;-)
rahvin: thanks to both, i'll concentrate on something beautiful ;)
Anthixxx: hehe!
Ormir (private): Mikael asked for moderation, ask him
dreamingNeonblack: lol
ThomasL: Could you please introduce you're nicknames?
killswitch1968: [to ThomasL] Zodi=Mikael.
Skald: oh... moderating needed badly
ThomasL: Thanks!
warwick: nicklasson
dreamingNeonblack: anyone in except mikael and niklas?
Caotico: caotico = niklas
Caotico: doh!
Arch: Is Brandström coming?
ZodiJackyl: [to BlackSabbath] we all have sidejobs when we are not touring or recording.
Kerim: pkay guys...i will moderate now
ZodiJackyl: Kerim...thanks
tiamat: i am teh moderator
Caotico: ok.....
ThomasL: Are the whole band represented tonight?
Herugrim: DT> Does any of you know what kind of splashes Anders used on Damage Done? I just love their sound
ZodiJackyl: All but Anders and Martin B
Natalie: hi
Caotico: [to Herugrim] no idea really...but i agree that the sound is very good.
Herugrim: Oh, sorry
BLOOMlND: iquestion nr1: is martin brandstrom a happy and nice guy?
ZodiJackyl: No I really don´t...he usually breaks them pretty fast and he changes alot so it´s different each gig and recording.
Anthixxx: mike, Do you regret that you chose this way, if at all? I mean the uncertainty, sorta
dreamingNeonblack: when will that dvd be released?and will it be available on vhs also?an what songs please?
ZodiJackyl: bloom...one of the nicest and happiest I know actually..
Caotico: dnb: we're still waiting for more info regarding what the dvd will contain.
Skald: Martin Henriksson = Oavsett?
Mojo: lol
ZodiJackyl: Anthixxx...don´t really follow you...elaborate..
BlackSabbath: I've got another one : can you guys please come to croatia on your next tour because you've got load of fans over here!
Caotico: the details are pretty sketchy at this point.
Ormir: you can find the song list for the DVD on the official forum dreamingneonblack...
ThomasL: Martin Henriksson does a great guitar job and his position is more omnipresent in the music writing since he left the bass, but it still have the D.T “Almighty” sound. Has Martin Henriksson become the main guitar riffs composer today?
Ormir (private): yeh, thanks :D
Caotico: black s: we don't have much influence on the touring schedules, but if we get a serious offer, we'll gladly play everywhere.
ZodiJackyl: [to BlackSabbath] We certainly hope so, but usually these things are not up to us to decide. We will look into it though.
killswitch1968: I have only one question: I actually live in Calgary, but am on an exchange in Sweden. I would kill a man for an autograph at Klubben; how does one do that?
SomberSoul: regarding "ex nihilo": maybe it's just me but i'm always waiting for mikael to start singing. has this been an instrumental track in the first place? or did you only later on decide not to have vocals for it?
Caotico: [to killswitch1968] you could kill a man either by using a weapon (gun, axe..) or your bare hands.
KIDd: Artwork is great as usual.
dreamingNeonblack: i like this moderation thing
ZodiJackyl: Killswitch...you ask us nicely and we will respond accordingly..
tiamat: more questions guys
BLOOMlND: about my most loved song: lethe. Some words of the songs could refer to "lethe", fourth infernal river in "inferno" (Dante). What's the real meaning of the song?
Caotico: [to SomberSoul] the "ex nihilo" arrangement on the album was instrumental all the time, but we also tried out another version that would have contained vocals.
rahvin: aww, you stole my pun, caotico :P
ZodiJackyl: [to SomberSoul] There were discussion but nothing was written and I think it works better without..
Caotico: [to BLOOMIND] "lethe" is one of the underworldy rivers in greek mythology. as for the "real" meaning, i doubt there is one.
killswitch1968: Oh sorry, that wasn't meant to sound offensive. I apologize if it did. But yes, I would really like an autograph but I don't know what Klubben is like, or how big the venue will be.
Skald: Is there a difference between European fans and American ones? I mean, did Americans take DT music differently on your US gigs?
Ormir: you've done millions of interviews for DD... which question are you most sick of?
Caotico: [to killswitch1968] we usually can be found strolling around in the venues, so you won't have any problems finding us :-)
dreamingNeonblack: mikael u write most of the lyrics write?ummm....this is a weird question..but...what made u write like u did on the song i would refer to as a dark tranquillity ballads...like emptier still...cornered...hours passed in exile...single part of two..?
ZodiJackyl: killswitch1969: It wont be a problem, we will be there to fulfill you in any way you see fit ;-)
SomberSoul: i know this has been asked before but is there any remote chance of an album full of rare & bonus tracks coming out? i'd be more than willing to buy japanese imports but i honestly don't know where to get hold of them here in vienna
Caotico: [to Skald] i saw no real difference. perhaps the US crowd is a bit more violent, but that's all. otherwise, the headbanging reaction is pretty global.
ThomasL: Niklas Sundin was more involved in the song writing before (both music and lyric as well). Is that due to his other activities (such as design and graphic creations…), as he’s really an accomplished artist?
Wanderingblade: How comes that the band members have had so few musical side projects?
Caotico: somber soul: hopefully we can put out something like that in the future.
Skald: lol
Herugrim: Do you guys use any (soft) drugs, or do you just enjoy the alcohol?
warwick: alcohol and porn,,,,ha ha ha
ZodiJackyl: [to dreamingNeonblack] Actually some of those songs are the most interesting and challenging to write mainly due to the change in character and need for something different. I just dig a little deeper and find stuff that are more suitable for a sombre song.
tiamat: he he he
Arch: Do you guys get stopped by fans while strolling around in Göteburg?
BlackSabbath: How come none of you guys appear in the monochomatic stains video?
Caotico: [to Arch] ha ha, luckily not!
warwick: arch-sometimes
Caotico: black s: mikael does appear; take a closer look.
ZodiJackyl: [to Wanderingblade] because we feel very fulfilled with what we do in DT
killswitch1968: Oh, one last quesiton: Damage Done has received heaps of praised. I've read tonnes of receive and only about 2 negative ones, with many 90%+s, was this surprising? I've never seen an alubm so hailed before.
tiamat: why the last?
ZodiJackyl: [to Herugrim] We stick to the alcohol...
ShadowLight: When working on an album, when do you start giving thought to the album as a whole (Songwriting, poduction)? And how does those thoughts take place?
dreamingNeonblack: yes i wish the mochromatic stains video was like the others u did
ZodiJackyl: [to Arch] Very rarely
rahvin: i'm off now, see ya everybody and have fun :)
Skald: A QUOTE: From DT chat session Nov, 2, 1998: About "Projector" album - "<Hedon> There's more punch and violence on this production than on all the others put together." Niklas, have you changed your opinion after releasing "DD"?
Caotico: [to ShadowLight] we usually start writing songs without any specific goals.
Caotico: [to Skald] I said THAT?!? oh man....
dreamingNeonblack: do you all drink before on stage performance?
KIDd: what's the best cover of your song u've heard?
warwick: dreamingNeonblack) we whanted to do something else,just not standing ang playing
Arch: Now you guys have been to the U.S. what are your favorite cities/places to perform?
ZodiJackyl: killswitch1969: Ofcourse we are very pleased with the response..but in the end what matters is what people who come to the show thinks.
killswitch1968: I only ask because the Soilwork/In Flames at Fryshuset was massive and very impersonal.
warwick: dreamingNeonblack) yes
BLOOMlND: i think darktranquillity is one of the most intelligent band ever, lyrics are great and got a real meaning, a deep one. but i noticed that while time's passing this "intellectual" wave is calming down.. ?
ZodiJackyl: [to dreamingNeonblack] yes just to kill the nervosity..
Skald: Caotico - you realldy did :)
tiamat: [to ZodiJackyl] you have a great nervosity :)
Caotico: [to Skald] i guess i tried to make a point that the "projector" production is pretty dark and heavy, but it does seem a bit weird.
ThomasL: It is the first time you’re a tour headliner since 1995. I think lots of metal fans do love your music and do recognize D.T as a very talented band since the beginning, so why did it take so long for the music labels to give you this great opportunity (th
Gast8236: hi guys from the UM board
ZodiJackyl: [to Arch] we didn´t see that much, but since it was the first time for us..it was all good ...you know you never forget your first..
dreamingNeonblack: i agree with u 1000000000000% bloomind
killswitch1968: Oh are the 2 uncomfirmed bands confirmed yet? You start Europe in a week right?
Caotico: [to killswitch1968] Yes, Singery and Griffin will also be on the tour.
warwick: ThomasL:)as usual it is allabout the money
Anthixxx: Do you still get nervous?
ZodiJackyl: [to tiamat] yes i get very nervous before shows...every time
tiamat: he he he
BlackSabbath: what are the lyrics of "fabric" about?
SomberSoul: is this the first tour that DT is headlining? how long will you be playing? 1 1/2 hours hopefully?
warwick: ZodiJackyl:) fruntimmer
ZodiJackyl: [to ThomasL] i really don´t know
ShadowLight: Have any of you heard the new Blind Guardian album (I know Andres has)? What do you think about it?
Herugrim: A request... Will you guys PLEASE play Format C: for Cortex on the upcoming show in Holland, the 15th?! Or were you planning to play that song on the entire European tour and have I now made a fool out of myself, hehe... ??
Caotico: [to SomberSoul] we did a headline tour in 1997, so this is the 2nd one. as for the set length, we'll see.
ZodiJackyl: [to Anthixxx] all the time
Caotico: [to Herugrim] everything has a price... ;-)
Guest9211: What do You think about the new In Flames album ?
ZodiJackyl: [to SomberSoul] if our bodies allow it we will try ;-)
Skald: With many years of music career behind, can you describe how your musical conception changes? Do you feel like "getting old", or "getting wise" or anything else? Martin, Niklas?
warwick: [to Guest9211] it is ok
ZodiJackyl: [to ShadowLight] I like it alot...I am a huge fan of the first 4 albums, but this new one was better than expected.
Caotico: [to Skald] Getting old would be a good way of putting it....
Legenda: hi all
dreamingNeonblack: what do you think your nexct album would sound like?will it follow up to damage done?
killswitch1968: I read in an interview that you throw up before a show? Is that right?
dreamingNeonblack: are any of youa lbums a conceptual album?
ZodiJackyl: [to dreamingNeonblack] your guess is as good as mine..
Caotico: DNB: it's way too early to tell. honestly, i have no idea what the next album will be like.
ThomasL: After “Projector” I was expecting Mikael Stanne to go on clean vocals parts and I believe lots of people did as well. Mikael did a great singing job in this album but left the clean vocals work in “Haven”. How do you look back at “Projector” today and wou
Ormir: apparently finland doesn't count part of Europe any more :/ is there going to be a second phase to the European tour, or do you foresee any extra gigs that might take you our way?
ZodiJackyl: [to dreamingNeonblack] No I wouldn´t say they are...there are ofcourse similarities and things that bind the songs together in places but nothing that can be called a concept album.
warwick: [to Ormir] dunno why finland is not included in the tour,,sorry
ZodiJackyl: [to killswitch1968] most of the time yes.
Anthixxx: Did you receive any gig offers from Turkey yet, at all??
Caotico: DNB: no, we've never done a conceptual album as such, but one could say that the songs on the albums have some sort of unified theme to them.
tiamat: the band makes really good job here :)
warwick: [to Ormir] we would love to come back there
dreamingNeonblack: black sabath..kets just say we dont need no host!
Arch: What are you guys currently listening to?
Legenda: zodijackyl hi,are you really one of the band?
warwick: [to Anthixxx] not so far
BLOOMlND: yeah, can you anticipate us some of the songs you will play? hopefully Haven, lethe and insanity's crescendo!
Jens: what is the thing you like least concerning your record company
ZodiJackyl: [to ThomasL] Projector was a very experimental album and touched on a number of things we hadn´t dealt with before..something else was needed...these last two albums have been different from that one.
Villain: Hi there all!
ZodiJackyl: [to Anthixxx] no not yet..but we will be there!
Caotico: hi ville :-)
SomberSoul: some romulan ale will help, zodijackyl g
dreamingNeonblack: i love the new in flames!they tried something different as a follow on to clayman an i think they succeeded in what they wanted to portray!
Oavsett: Hi Ville!
ZodiJackyl: [to Arch] np new Merciless album!! killer stuff
dreamingNeonblack: i love the clean vocals in there in...i trip off everytime !lol :P
warwick: [to Villain] hi man,,your little finntroll
Caotico: bloom: we'll see, but the songs you mentioned are pretty likely to be played.
Skald: How do you imagine yourselves in 5-10 years? Do you think that you will still record albums, play gigs, and (for Mikael) jump screaming the brains out?
Mojo: why do you guys just play in one location in switzerland? aren't there any other good locations...? pratteln is such far away, damn g
SomberSoul: i've had this weird idea of death/black metal opera...cast with famous names in the scene. and i just picture mikael as the protagonist. would you be up for it? something like a heavy metal jesus christ superstar? g
ZodiJackyl: [to Jens] That some of the girls have quit working there..
warwick: [to SomberSoul] offcourse
Caotico: [to Mojo] we have absolutely no say regarding the touring route...but pratteln is very nice.
ZodiJackyl: Ville!!!!!
Jens: hehe
dreamingNeonblack: warwick are u a band memebr too?
Guest5116: about the tour, i don't know why, but death groups don't come to italy exept for 1 concert, why? maybe for the sales?do you sell more in germany for example?
ZodiJackyl: [to Skald] If my body will allow it I hope I will
solefald: hiho
Herugrim: Well, thanks for answering my questions, good luck on the upcoming tour, and see you in Holland the 15th! Hail!
warwick: [to dreamingNeonblack] just the bas player,nothing special (nicklasson)
ThomasL: I personally saw you live in Paris for the first time in 1999 and you were touring in a small club with other great bands such as Arch enemy, Children of Bodom and In flames. The gig was amazing and everyone there could see and hear the huge potential of
ZodiJackyl: [to SomberSoul] i would love that!
Caotico: guest 5116: we would have loved more italian gigs, but as mentioned it's not up to us.
BlackSabbath: how do you guys warm up before a show?
Jens: damn, a lot of people in here now! great that you are here! enjoy!
Oavsett: 5 beers + 1/2 hours of playing
ZodiJackyl: [to ThomasL] thanks..hope you will enjoy it as much this time around..
warwick: [to BlackSabbath] beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr
Wanderingblade: Is there any chance that you could post rough song meanings on your site? Not the whole thing, but enough to give us a better idea of what your on about before we start intereptating...
ZodiJackyl: [to BlackSabbath] drink
Guest2773: How was your concert in Athens?
ShadowLight: Mikael, what is your favourite animated movie?
Legenda: ZodiJackyl Your show in Thessaloniki was fuckin great man.......thnx for this live...........:)
Ormir: [to Caotico] the latest theory on the Haven "dots" is that they stand for the different types of samboca. can you confirm/deny this?
Anthixxx: niklas, on what basis do you switch between the "gothic" and "iceman"? and do you switch during a single setting? ( u were gothic all the way in istanbul, so i know not)
Caotico: [to Wanderingblade] the lyrics section of the site will be updated with that kind of info (courtsey of rahvin) in the near future - stay tuned!
BLOMMlND: caotico is italian?
ZodiJackyl: [to ShadowLight] I would say Nightmare before Christmas when it comes to stop motion and Iron Giant for the rest...