
haha they must still sell tape decks, they still sell record players (although thats not a good comparison cause vinyl is the best medium)
I got the tape in the mail today from Nefilim (you got a PM btw!) and brought it to my halfbrothers dad to listen to it in a real old-school stereo and all I can say is that it rocked my fucking ass so hard!!! :kickass:

You did a outstanding job with the sound Unicorn, it's perfect! I love the way it sounds on tape (comparing to the track on Myspace). All death metal should sound this good! ;)

So guys, when can we expect the next demo? :D

Btw, I got number 68/166. I think I was able to grab a red casette from Suffer Productions as well!
fuck im gonna have to buy a copy one of these days........i just busted out the walkman to listen to an old punk/grind mixtape an old friend made for me :)