AC/DC done?


According to, AC/DC have confirmed Malcolm Young has officially retired from the band as they reveal their new record Rock Or Bust will be released on November 28.

The 15th studio record from the enduring band will be their first without Malcolm in their 40-year career.

“Unfortunately due to the nature of Malcolm’s illness, he will not be rejoining the band,” they said in a statement issued by their label Alberts and Sony Music Australia.

The band confirmed they will embark on a world tour in honour of Rock Or Bust and their 40th anniversary, with Angus and Malcolm Young’s nephew Steve joining as guitarist.

Rock Or Bust features 11 tracks written solely by Angus Young, recorded in 10 days at Bryan Adams’ Warehouse Studio in Vancouver and produced by Brendan O’Brien.

That will be a blind buy. Thanks for the heads up.
AC/DC's Malcolm Young was a master of discipline and economy

"... Malcolm Young was the master of making as little as necessary do as much as possible. The band’s music was low input, high impact, so to speak.

Malcolm Young understood that a great riff does not need 427 components to make it great, that what it really needs is clarity. That meant stripping riffs down rather than building them up, and it also meant understanding volume. Given how loud AC/DC can be in concert – ear-ringingly, sternum-shakingly loud – it might be surprising to learn that, in the studio at least, Malcolm Young favoured quietness: he played with his amps turned down, but with the mics extremely close. That’s why, on the great AC/DC albums, you hear not just the chords of the riffs, but their very texture, their burnished, rounded sound. It’s why AC/DC are immediately recognisable, whether or not you know the song."

Metal people hate them? Whatever I guess.
In truth, who can blame them no matter the reason. They've had a hell of a run.

Were it not for the guitar sounds of Boston and AC/DC, I may not have even been a metal-head.

They've had a helluva run. I'll do my best to catch a show. I've lost track of how many times I've listened to Back in Black. It's such a great recording.

While I prefer Bon. slightly over Brian, BiB is one of the greatest albums of all time, period. Every song is timeless.

It's a great album, but I just find all the Bon Scott stuff superior.

I think much of BiB was written for Bon to sing.

It is probably Malcolm's wishes. I am no expert on the inner workings of AC/DC, but I do know that he is more or less the Captain of that band. He started the whole thing.

I honestly don't know anyone who hates AC/DC from beginning to end.
They were the first show I attended in 1979, and while nothing after For Those About To Rock floats my boat, except for Black Ice, they still get kudos from me for still kicking it, live & in the studio. Black Ice was the first AC/DC cd I had bought in YEARS, and enjoy most of it.

Oh, and I too find the Bon Scott era far superior to what they have been doing, but Back In Black is probably the "comeback" record of my generation..... Those were the days! :)

I am an Alabama (football) fan. The first time I heard "Runaway Train" was during a Bama game. They plugged it in on a slow motion replay of a big touchdown run from Mark Ingram (former Bama running back.) I just about had an orgasm. Best song they have had since some stuff from FTATR.

It was probably Dirty Deeds.. I definitely prefer the Bon Scott era, if I have to listen to one or the other, but my normal choice would not be AC/DC. :)

Maybe I was a prog snob even as a young man, with a disdain for vacuous lyrics. :)

I certainly don't condemn anyone because of their musical choices. Individuality is the biggest aspect that makes art so special. However, the precision and texture that AC/DC (and Mutt Lange) was able to capture on "Back in Black" is legendary. It is about anti-prog as it gets, but the discipline that was displayed in that recording would make many Germans green with envy.
Many people simply chalk that up as Mutt's demanding ways, but Lange couldn't get that kind of precision from Def Leppard or the other bands he produced. AC/DC was able to get a sound that was very scrupulous and exact yet very organic at the same time. Accept has been one of the few bands to really be able to challenge their reign on delivering that. The texture and timbre AC/DC (and Mutt) created with that album is still a head scratcher for most bands trying to release a product today.

I always got one of the two impressions from people who dislike AC/DC; either it was that whole to cool for school attitude of being so hip you dislike the popular and well known bands just because, or the redneck/ white thrash stigma that is often attached to them. This same stigma perhaps to lesser degrees tends to stick with Crue, Kiss, and a few others. Pretty stupid reason to dislike a band but... I guess I can maybe understand it with my dislike for Pantera.
One could simply dislike the band just because that person just doesn't dig pure hard rock, I mean there are Air Supply fans out there. But usually it comes down to one of the two lame reasons I mentioned.
Anyway AC/DC well deserve their props. They are one of the few rock n roll bands that can truly say they stand alone... well until Angry Anderson stands up.

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd allegedly tried to have two men killed, reports Tony Wall of Stuff.

He appeared in the Tauranga District Court in New Zealand this afternoon, charged with attempting to procure a murder.

Rudd, 60, dressed in jeans and a grey sweater, said nothing during his short stint in the dock of the court, before being released on bail. He entered no plea to the charges and will reappear in court in three weeks. Photos can be seen at this location.

Rudd had been in custody since 7am when his house was raided by police. In releasing Rudd on bail, the Judge ordered that he should have no contact with the man he allegedly tried to hire to carry out the murder.

According to the charges laid by police, Rudd had tried to get two men killed - their names and that of the intended hitman were all suppressed by the judge.

Rudd's arrest comes after police raided the drummer's home on the Tauranga waterfront at Matua this morning. He is also charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession of cannabis and threatening to kill.

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd allegedly tried to have two men killed, reports Tony Wall of Stuff.

He appeared in the Tauranga District Court in New Zealand this afternoon, charged with attempting to procure a murder.

Rudd, 60, dressed in jeans and a grey sweater, said nothing during his short stint in the dock of the court, before being released on bail. He entered no plea to the charges and will reappear in court in three weeks. Photos can be seen at this location.

Rudd had been in custody since 7am when his house was raided by police. In releasing Rudd on bail, the Judge ordered that he should have no contact with the man he allegedly tried to hire to carry out the murder.

According to the charges laid by police, Rudd had tried to get two men killed - their names and that of the intended hitman were all suppressed by the judge.

Rudd's arrest comes after police raided the drummer's home on the Tauranga waterfront at Matua this morning. He is also charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession of cannabis and threatening to kill.

:OMG: Let me guess, it was Scott Rockenfield and Eddie Jackson of Queensryche. They wouldn't leave him alone, and kept asking for a donation. :D