

Apr 8, 2003
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I don't know if it is appropriate to discuss AC/DC's brand of hard rock on these pages but what the heck.
I just picked up the remastered Digipack of For Those About To Rock as it was one of the albums lacking in my collection. The remasters with new packaging currently getting heavy advertising in Australia and gee suprise I bought one.
I just love this stuff. Great rock. It's not Back In Black but hey I was suprised.
Are any Opeth fans into the band that has the distinction of releasing the same album 15 times. Well I am.
I don't think they're anything special but it's not like I get irritated when I hear them. That distinction is reserved for The Vines.
Well the Vines. Did you see their performance on Letterman. His response was an absolute classic. After they had smashed up the place and the guitarist left his axe feedbacking at a ridiculous volume (a band member of Letterman's band hurrried over and switched off the amp) Dave says with that characteristic cynical laugh, "Surely the sign of a troubled youth". I think he really dug them in bizzare sort of way.
A classic piece of TV.
I feared the AC/DC police would be on this one. Oh well, when you are in the mood for mindless rock their is none better than AC/DC.
Now the cliched response is that most AC/DC fans would think Opeth's vox are the definiton of horror.
And of course who sold more records. But hey can you give me a response.
Just to make sure there are still people out there like you.

It is always great to know that metal lives.
narcisco said:
Well we have one hate mail which is expected but no fans.
That is interesting in itself.
Maybe I am getting old.

I actually am a bit of a fan...just not fanatical about it.
I mean, I've pondered getting Highway or BiB remastered, but much like getting Blessed Are the Sick remastered-- I'd wanna get rid of my current copy.
Well keep them coming............
"Angus Young while not the most inventive guitarist has one of the best vibrato feels of all time . He can shake a note like no other."

"Tight. tight and more tight. AC/DC's performance is rock metronomic."

"Gee, I liked it, despite myself."

"Back In Black contains more rock anthems within anyone hard rock album in history"

I really prefer the Powerage period and maybe Highway To Hell.