Acacia Strain "See You Next Tuesday" Cover/Mixtest!

Guitar sounds massive. A bit of fuzz going on though, I think it might just be the editing on the stops.

+1 on the DI and midi! That would be awesome dude.
well done , the guitars sounds really close , drums sounds different but the snare on that record is kinda weird, the kick should be more mid oriented . Great cover. What are you using for the guitars?
well done , the guitars sounds really close , drums sounds different but the snare on that record is kinda weird, the kick should be more mid oriented . Great cover. What are you using for the guitars?

Thanks dude! :D im using 8505 for the guitars with a lot of eq and a multiband for the beef lol. It takes a lot to remove the bad freq's of my guitar :/

Here are the DI's! lol
first of all, though, i need to tell ya that the left guitar is straight DI but the right guitar uses the pod's ts. I just experimented with it to see what could work and this is just what i tried. anyways can't wait to hear what you guys can do with it! - See you next tuesday DI.rar
153 BPM seem to work, I got it from a tab of the song.

Here's my attempt, I'm slightly embarrassed by it, but I hope I can get it better: tuesday.mp3

haha you shouldnt be embarrased man! this is what mine sounded like on the first day i started mixing it lol you just gotta keep at it ;) mix test 1.mp3

heres my try - tho I didnt wanted to sound like the original mixes/acacia-master-01.mp3

Lol im digging the drums! not really a fan of the snare, but the rest i like. guitars sound like they have a weird low mid thing going on. or it may just be conflicting with the bass too much not sure :)

keep 'em coming!
Haha no doubt man, it's a pretty boring song all together but it's just fun to play. If anyone wants to record some vocals that would be awesome! Lol anyone interested?
guitar fucking slays, fav acacia song, well fucking done whats some info on those guitars :D you almost nailed the tone also i can do vocals for it