Acacia Strain "Unabomber" short test clip, trying to get good tone.


Jul 13, 2011
Idk all this guitar lingo but basically I run my guitar straight into my laptop.
My signal chain is:

EQ - Gate - TSE808 - LeCto - keFIR - more EQ

The drums are just random samples I threw into Fruity Loops.

I've spent days tweaking the settings and so far this is the best I can do. I realize I'm not expecting miracles from free ampsim stuff haha, but I've heard some pretty impressive tones people have pulled off and I'd like to get as close to DL's tone as I can with my resources.

Oh yeah, and I know the tuning is wrong, the tempo is too fast, the drum pattern isn't exact, politely submit your fellatio to my upright estate. ;)

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