Accept Blind Rage coming 8-15-2014


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Please don't think I am pimping my fave band in the musician's forum. This isn't the forum for that. The reason I posted this is because Wolf Hoffman, the lead guitarist for Accept, probably plays more solos on a disc than even shredder style guitarists. If you are a guitarist and want to hear fill after fill and solos (very good ones at that) to learn some cool chops, I suggest looking into this band. Everyone has different tastes, and not everyone will be impressed with Wolf, but if you do like his stuff, there will be an incredible amount of material to work with.
The bass player, Peter Baltes is also a fine musician. Not as technical as some, but he often plays a counter rhythm to give their songs huge depth. With all od the great musicianship out there in extreme and prog metal, these oldschool guy can actually still compete.
