But you can´t deny it´s not the same. I´ve seen White Lion and buff

... I prefered when they were called Mike Tramp and friends. Skid Row with Solinger is another band that has nothing to do with Bach´s era. Besides, I´ve seen Bach solo project and I felt I missed a lot of things mainly because Seb´s fault.
My "problem" with Accept is that they tried it and they failed. Mark Tornillo (I love TT Quick) is more similar to Udo than David Reece and that could be OK for singing classic stuff but it´s difficult for me accepting

that my european favourite band plays without a hero (I don´t mind if he´s Udo or Wolf)
Personally, I consider they have to use other names but if they come to my town (or near) I´ll be there. At the end of the day, it´s much worse 2 line ups like L.A. Guns or Barón Rojo.