Accept Never Forget Solo with Raws

Feb 28, 2010
Thanks man i've used an gibson flying v with emg81 >little labs redeye> neve 1073dpa for D.I and for reamp redeye>maxon od9 > peavey 6505+>mesa cab and shure sm57
Yesterday I had no time to work on the high end of the mix, so here is the final version, as it should sound: The mix
The guitar DIs are reamped through 5150 and a cheap custom cab. Mic is 57 on a basic position. I guess I didn't get the position right, so the guitars needed a fair bit of low mid compression (up to 10db at some points). Other than that the guitars are unprocessed. Bass went through some simulators.

I think your playing and DIs are completely spot on. In fact better than most DIs I record at the studio or the once I receive when someone else has recorded them. They are extremely clear.

I will be happy if anyone else shares his opinion about the final mix!

Just in case someone wants to do a fast reamping and doesn't want to mix the whole thing, I also post the guitars and bass and the drums separately:
Your drums sound really good man !! What compressor do you use for this fat sound? :) for the DI i know the signal is good but i think maybe i play to close of the bridge and the sound is ... I don't know what it is but even in your mix i ear the same bizard sound signature and i've always this sound with any guitars...
Thanks for the drum sound. It is all the default Reaper compressor ReaComp. It might not be a very fancy one (and it is actually free), but it is the most versatile comp ever made in either the software or hardware domain. I would guess most of the "fatness" comes from the kick and snare comps with att. 30 and rls. 100 and rms 0 (ssl inspired setting) and the room compressor with rms about 25, att 10, rls 50 and feedback mode (like 76ish settings).
I think your guitars are completely ok. I think the guitar tone is actually very good. If someone else wants to chime in into the thread, we might get another more objective opinion.
Yesterday I had no time to work on the high end of the mix, so here is the final version, as it should sound: The mix
The guitar DIs are reamped through 5150 and a cheap custom cab. Mic is 57 on a basic position. I guess I didn't get the position right, so the guitars needed a fair bit of low mid compression (up to 10db at some points). Other than that the guitars are unprocessed. Bass went through some simulators.

I think your playing and DIs are completely spot on. In fact better than most DIs I record at the studio or the once I receive when someone else has recorded them. They are extremely clear.

I will be happy if anyone else shares his opinion about the final mix!

Just in case someone wants to do a fast reamping and doesn't want to mix the whole thing, I also post the guitars and bass and the drums separately:

The mix sounds great.