Accident of Birth/Chemical Wedding


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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(Pauses to pick up jaw from floor.)

OH... MY... GOD!!

Finally picked up both these albums on Monday, after being ripped off by a non-existent website and having to jump through all manner of hoops to get my money back.

My opening paragraphs should be enough to describe my reaction upon a first listen. More details when I've recovered my senses :).

:eek: i can't believe you only just got them, both these albums totally kick ass, as you all know :) :)
Originally posted by ironcross
Accident of Birth is better :D
I think I agree with you crossy, although CW has some BRILLIANT songs, AOB is stronger overall........
Roy Z's production is exactly the sort of heavy, no-frills sound that Maiden should have had throughout the 90s. After the progressive indulgences of SIT and 7th Son, No Prayer and FOTD would have been much better if they'd sounded as raw as this! Even more so for the Blaze albums, both of which are let down by mediocre lyrics and 'Arry running riot behind the mixing desk.

I'm leaning towards Accident of Birth as my favourite of the two, if only for Man of Sorrows and Freak (which sounds like a faster version of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath in places). Chemical Wedding has more than its fair share of great moments too, helped along no end by Arthur Brown's spoken word parts.

Spawn, I don't think there's much doubt that Machine Men is about Maiden. It seemed to me like the perfect chance for Bruce and Adrian to vent their spleens :). Bit odd that they were both touring with them again the next year, wasn't it?

Originally posted by Wrathchild

Spawn, I don't think there's much doubt that Machine Men is about Maiden. It seemed to me like the perfect chance for Bruce and Adrian to vent their spleens :). Bit odd that they were both touring with them again the next year, wasn't it?


Ahh the lure of the almighty dollar!! :) Besides, I think after they had time away from the band, maybe they appreciated what they had a bit more.
But when they make an album as great as BNW, the motivation behind it doesnt bother me!
I agree about Roy Zs production, id love to see what he could do with Maiden.

Do you have Scream For Me Brazil? If not, get it, its one of the best live albums ive ever heard, tears of the dragon has to be heard to be believed, quite simply awesome :)
Originally posted by Wrathchild
Spawn, I don't think there's much doubt that Machine Men is about Maiden. It seemed to me like the perfect chance for Bruce and Adrian to vent their spleens :). Bit odd that they were both touring with them again the next year, wasn't it?

I did read in an interview that Machine Man is not about Maiden. I think by the time Chemical Wedding was written - they're differences had been resloved.

Read the lyrics to Faith from Skunkworks. This is where Bruce gets stuck into Steve. :eek:
B. Dickinson, A.Dickson

You knew I wouldn't go
That's why you threatened me...would I stay?
Said I was sick...I'd be alone, said my mind was at my own...I didn't learn
You crawled up on your knees...a victim's pretty please...
Would I stay? Would I stay? ...and I stayed

How many more times, till I broke down from that guilty mess
You taught me to hate to love you
That's because you love to hate yourself

I wish it had a happy end
Like the fairy-tales pretend there can be
But things are not the same
When your life love was a game
Of make believe
You get everything you want
But not everything you need
A nd it's receive...what you achieve

How many screaming fights, tears of rage
Until it ended
How many more times till I say who I am
And don't pretend

lryics reprinted without permission
They are GREAT lyrics, very sad though. It DID have a happy(ish) ending in the end though thankfully :D
Originally posted by Wrathchild
Even more so for the Blaze albums, both of which are let down by mediocre lyrics and 'Arry running riot behind the mixing desk.

YES!! Finally, someone else who doesn't blindly idolise Harris. The man has made mistakes over the years (you know, being human and all that ;)), the biggest being the Blaze years - NOT because of Blaze, but because of his determination to run the show. The worst bit of all is letting Blaze cop the blame for it all.
I really think the so called, 'Blaze era', also contains some of Maiden's best lyrics.

Sign Of The Cross
The Aftermath
Judgement Of Heaven

:) :)
Originally posted by dreamwatch

YES!! Finally, someone else who doesn't blindly idolise Harris. The man has made mistakes over the years (you know, being human and all that ;)), the biggest being the Blaze years - NOT because of Blaze, but because of his determination to run the show. The worst bit of all is letting Blaze cop the blame for it all.

I agree, everyone bags blaze, but it wasnt his fault, it was rather unfair. At least Blaze came back with Silicon Messiah and showed everyone what he was capable of!
Though in Steves defense, with all the lineup changes (3 singers, innumerable musicians, just read the family tree in the best of the beast cd!) he probably doesnt feel comfortable letting anyone else run things. That said, he is human, and has made mistakes :)

Mark: Yep, Roy has a definite signature "sound".
Sydo, Judgement of Heaven is probably my least favourite song on X-Factor. That's the one I always skip past when playing the album. I much prefer Sign of The Cross, Edge of Darkness and 2 AM. (Story of my life that one, except for the dead end job and beer references!) The Aftermath should get a mention here too, but lyric-wise it's much too similar to Fortunes of War.

Dreamwatch, the Bayley era proves that Harris can still write the songs (almost), but he sure as hell can't produce 'em. A new lineup/era for the band should have brought with it a new approach to songwriting, like the one that evolved between Steve, Bruce and Adrian during the eighties. Just think how great XF and VXI could have been if Steve, Janick, Blaze and Dave had contributed equally to all the songs- and worked together to get the best out of them. A producer like Michael Beinhorn or Bob Marlette could then have turned them into masterpieces, but no, 'Arry has to do everything himself (sigh...).