Accutane: anyone taken or have access to this drug?


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2003
I am looking to buy this drug for around $200 for 30 pills(if you have lets say five pills then just divide 200 by 6 i think). Basically I was just curius if anyone has taken this drug and perhaps has extra pills that they would be willing to sell me. Maybe you have someone in your family who has taken this drug and is finished with it and there are a few extra pills that you would sell me. Perhaps you work in a pharmacy or live in a country where you dont need prescriptions. Whatever the case may be i want to buy this drug so please reply. Thanks for your help.
im a guy so im not worried about birth defects. And no pun intended, but with my acne there is absolutely no way a girl is going within five feet of me.
go to a dermatologist, since they give you other pills that dont make your body freak out when you first go on it, i took them not too long ago. i dont think it really makes you depressed since i was pretty happy after i took the pill, so if anything theyre happy pills...then again im odd

but they work fucking great, i had it so bad so ill probably have to go on them again, but theyre like miracle pills. near the end of the cycle depending on where you have the acne and how horrible it is(i had it horrible, doc tried to play it off) you might get scabbing. youll get big fucking scabs if you have like the kind where you pop them and loads of shit comes out. i had scabs everywhere and i went to a fucking nile/arch enemy concert, bad idea lol.

just telling you know, even with the other pills combined the accutane will make what acne you have now go to extremes, horribly dry skin, acne everywhere thousands of pimples right on your face for no reason, it takes about 2-4 weeks to clear them away

but most important is to GO SEE A DERM b/c you may not have to go on accutane

hopefully ive been helpful
anybody cooking up some meth in their bathtub?
im not worried about birth defects, i just figured if somebody was tryin to get new dope connections from strangers online i might as well try:rolleyes: