Ace Frehley Solo Tour


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I know KISS isn't discussed much here.
Not sure if ANY of you are fans.
They were indeed the first hard rock / metal band I fell in love with.

Here is the setlist of Ace's solo tour.
I must say, not too shabby!!!

Rip It Out
Hard Times / I Want You
Rock Soldiers
Shot Full of Rock
Into the Void
-- Torpedo Girl
-- Speedin’ Back to My Baby
-- 5 Card Stud
-- Trouble Walkin’
Stranger in a Strange Land
New York Groove (with lighted guitar)
Shock Me
Ace Solo (with ‘ole smoky)
Rocket Ride
Love Her All I Can
Love Gun
Cold Gin (which led into the live ending of Black Diamond)
April 1st @ House Of Blues
I'm not the biggest Kiss fan but Ace is cool. I'm still debating on going to this show since it's a weekday. I don't think it'll sell out so I think I have 'till show day to decide. Maybe.
I saw this tour in St. Louis last week. It was a good show. I was also "introduced" to rock & roll by Kiss back in the 70's so there is definitely a sentimental factor to be considered. Parasite, Strange Ways, Rocket Ride and Shock Me were the highlights of the show for me. Love Her All I Can was a nice surprise. (The St. Louis set list was the same songs, just a slightly different order.) It was also quite possibly the loudest club show that I have ever been to. It was extremely loud. I thought that the guitar solo during Shock Me was going to split my eardrums.

Anthony Esposito is playing bass on this tour. I hadn't seen him since the early 90's with Lynch Mob.
I just bough myself a ticket for this show.

HOB website said $30.50 per ticket, after Ticketbastard the total was $46.72. :Smug:
Have a good time. I expect a detailed review.

I probably have seen KISS 6 to 8 times since the makeup went back on (with the orig 4). Gave up once Singer and Thayer came back.
Just got back, man this was a fun show!
I got there around 8 and the first band went on around 9. They were ok, more of a rock thing that what I’m used to. The lead guitar player was pretty good.
Ace finally came on around 10:30, right away I was pleased by the band, they were tight as can be. I was upstairs in the front balcony, before Ace came on the security guards didn’t let anyone sit on the stools that they had there. I don’t understand why they have them there if you can’t sit on them, it’s like if you were starving and they put a sandwich in front of you but you can’t eat it. A little bit before Ace went on some people started to sit on them and so did I. After about the 3rd song in the security guard came and told all of us to get up off the stools, whatever.
It was ok, as soon as the guy left Ace busted into the riff for “Parasite” and everything was alright.
Ace was on, he didn’t fuck up his riffs, he told jokes and he played very good. One of the funniest things I ever saw at a concert was at this show. Ace was playing his guitar solo and he tried to turn his smoking guitar on but the thing didn’t work, he tried it again and still nothing, then he flipped his guitar over (still playing) to fiddle with the smoke thing a little more and no dice! He then went to the side of the stage and his roadie was fussing with the thing and yet….nothing!!! Ace looked at the crowd, kept playing with his right hand while the roadie messed with his guitar and then he smiled and waved at the audience with the other, the whole room started laughing. Finally he took the thing off and grabbed another guitar, he went to the mic and said “The smoking guitar is getting fixed, so you know” which made all of us laugh again and he kept playing his solo. 10 seconds later the roadie comes running across the stage with the guitar with a bunch of smoke coming out of it! Ace quickly tried to switch guitars (while still playing) and when he almost got it on the smoke stopped coming out!! The crowd then started chanting "SMASH IT!! SMASH IT!!"
He finally threw his hands in the air like saying WTF all with a big laugh. His drummer came up to him laughing and said something to him, then Ace went to the mic and said “He just told me April fools, you fag!”

Freaking hilarious!

Anyway, I had a great time. I did notice that he didn’t mention the name Kiss once, before he played “Into the void” he said “Here’s one of the last songs that I wrote with my other band”. I thought that was funny.

I picked up a pair of tickets one for Apocalyptica and one for the Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquility, Divine Heresy, Firewind show. Both tickets for $41.50. Nice.
GAH!! We didn't get "Shot Full Of Rock" last night, dammit! I was hoping for that and "Insane" but it was a good time.
In addition to the posted set list, he played "2000 Man". My favorite of the night had to be "Love Her All I Can"....that tune is bad ass.

Edit: and also played the instrumental "Fractured Mirror".
My favorite of the night had to be "Love Her All I Can"....that tune is bad ass.

That was my fave song of the show, too. It was so funny watching the people who knew the song going NUTS and everyone else just sort of like 'whatev.' LOL! I wish he would have done full-length versions of "Trouble Walking" and "5 Card Stud." I love that album...