acoustic drums using a drumdial


Jan 22, 2009
I recently purchased a drumdial and used it on the drums for my last client.

Here's the results...

That clip just has a little compression on the snare, a gate on the kick and the room mic is getting smashed to fuck with a smack! compressor. There's also a fairchild 670 on the drum buss. No triggering though! I was really surprised at just how much difference perfectly tuned drums makes. Let me know what you think!
Not bad!
I recently built my own drum dial. I bought a dial indicator, I built a wood base and I drilled a hole in the center. After that I put the dial indicator in the hole and voilà....a good and cheap Drum dial :)
dude that's awesome! I got mine for 55 quid from a drum shop in Scotland! So happy with it! Downtuned the shitting life out of the snare to get it fat. Still tempted to trigger though...just gonna blend a few db lower than usual! :kickass: