Non metal mix


Jan 22, 2009
Here's something I'm nearly finished on. Its a million miles away from metal but I'd appreciate your comments anyway.

Some details...


Kick: D6 into EMI TG2

Snare top: Weird old SM57 thing (belongs to Guy/Greyskull) into Great River, then API eq then 1176, NT5 into Chandler Germanium
Snare Bottom: I5 into Shadow Hills mono gama

Toms: 57s on top, 421s on bottom, all into API

Cymbals: 414 as a mono overhead into Great River, 184s as cymbal pair spot mics, into Shadow Hills

Crush Mic: SE R1 into UA LA-610, compressing a fair bit

Bass: DI blended with Orange thunderverb into a Hiwatt 4x10. Mic'd with a beta 52 and a 421. API mic amps and compressing with an 1176 and another valve compressor on the way in.

Guitars: Rhythms through a Vox AC30. Mic'd with weird 57 and an m260 into API. EQ'd and compressed on the way in. Leads were some cool Fender combo mic'd with an SE Gemini and then EQ'd and compressed on the way in.

Vocals: SM7 into Empirical Labs EL9

Percussion: 184 into EL9

Drums are loud because I'm only limiting gently at the moment. I'll crush it a little more to seat the drums in better. Mix-wise I'm only really automating (everything a fuck load), adding some delays/verbs to the vocals and using some buss compression. We tracked most of it at my friend's studio through loads of cool gear so it was 80% there after tracking.