Filthy, filthy mix

I think I used the Phoenix on the overheads on the Divine Ascension album, going in. Definitely a cool flavor.

Sometimes the tracking chain can make all the difference. Obviously with all those vintage mic pres, you were getting all your character going down, thus freeing you up to still do a really solid ITB mix, since you didn't need character from the plug-ins.

Great call on reamping the vocals. Came up vibely. Did you blend the reamped vocals with the originals, or is the final sound all from the amp?
I think I used the Phoenix on the overheads on the Divine Ascension album, going in. Definitely a cool flavor.

Sometimes the tracking chain can make all the difference. Obviously with all those vintage mic pres, you were getting all your character going down, thus freeing you up to still do a really solid ITB mix, since you didn't need character from the plug-ins.

Great call on reamping the vocals. Came up vibely. Did you blend the reamped vocals with the originals, or is the final sound all from the amp?

Awesome. Yeh that's exactly it. This is the most straightforward mix I've ever done. Apart from the bass. I had to crank a lot of presence in various stages to get it to where it is - it was insanely dark sounding. Cool in its own way though.

I'd say the vocals are half reamped/half clean. I bussed them together and treated them as one thing but automated what went into the buss for various different vibes - dependant on the section really. Where it breaks down to one guitar is pretty much entirely the reamped signal. I just couldn't get that same feel just using plugins.

I'm GAS'ing so bad for some of those mic amps now. :cool: