Acoustic guitars

When you guys mix acoustic music, with just acoustic guitar and vocals, how do you do the guitars?

One track, centered? Or two, panned hard L and R?
What about EQ'ing, usually? I know in metal you make some cuts to make room for the vocals, drums, and bass. The "client" wants a really clear "brilliant" sound in his guitar but I'm thinking I also should boost the low end to make it sort of soothing and fill up the spectrum. What do you guys do?

My friend does some acoustic music and we've been talking about recording some stuff for him. Though, I've never even touched acoustic music before, much less do I listen to it.

I would go with what sounds best though I want to look like I know what I'm doing when he gets in here for recording. :P
i usualy have one guitar left and one right,
additional stuff goes 45 L/R.
voice in the middle, voice additions L/R 15,
or soething like that, never do it the same way.

i use a lot of parallel compression on acoustic guitars.

eq...what sounds good man, i sweep for bad sounding
frequencies and i cut them, a low cut may be ok,
depents on how the guitar sounds and how you mic'd it.

if you have two mics, try to record the guitar in stereo,
it's much better than doubling it IMHO as it sounds much
more natural but still full and wide. M/S technique sounds
very "in front of you" like but i never dealed with it myself
so i do not know how it's done.

a good room makes it sound big and natural, so you'll need
a good reverb plugin or a good room.

as usual new string are a MUST!

hope it helps a little bit! :)

If i have only an acoustic song i try to get a hold of an acoustic with a pickup. Then i record it with 2x SDC mic + pickup ... pan one guitar to L and one to R. Eq out the low end mud and bring up some high's all in the source though... fresh strings are a MUST!

Here is a sample i recorded a month agor or so (using this tehnique):