Acoustic Jazz recording


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
'Sup dewdss, did a recording a few days ago, me and my old guitar teacher. Me on steel string and him on nylon, everything has been left live, and was tracked live aswell so there are external noises but I'd like to know what you guys think.
Obviously its not everyones cup of tea but meh we'll see. I feel the leads are sometimes too loud but my ears are uber tired so im not too sure mood mix 1.mp3
Sounds pretty clean and a nice variety to what the forums normally handle. Also, dig the melodic choices in the leads.

Since you dig da jazz and all things music knowledge related, we should nerd out sometime. Talking shop on altered dominates gets me ragin' in the morning.
haha, yer we can definitely nerd out, seems to be a lost art these days :'(
I'm on facebook alot if you fancy talking music, Joe Reynolds is ma name, hit me up!
Glad the mix is most of the way there, done a few more things to it but nothing noticeable (mainly automation) so I won't bother posting that up
The mix sounds good man, balance is perfect. Only thing I can think of is that you might want to gate or edit out the quiet bits of the L guitar, there's some quiet noise you might not want.
Yer there's a ton of high pitch whining on his track from a cheap mic I borrowed :bah: T-bone *cough cough*
It's not a huge deal though, it's not for a client or anything more just personal use, I'll definitely try gating out that hiss though

Cheers :D