Acoustic # of the Beast

It is kind of weird but still a good version it reminds me the link that Sara post once about this guy called ThingFishy or something like that is this a version of him?
As interesting as it often is the see electrical songs done acousticly, I didn't like this version. Whoever was singing did it more mellow and NOTB is a more intense song given it's lyrics. It was like this energy and passion was taken from the song, and that, to me, just doesn't work in a song about a guy witnessing an atrocity he can scarcely believe, debating what to do, and then getting caught up in it thanks to his analysis paralysis.
I did do a little hunting and found Paul Dianno doing an acoustic version of Wrathchild:
which (while it's not the greatest quality recording) keeps the sane energy of the electric version.

For an example of how a band can re-do their stuff acousticly with the same intensity and passion, I recommend Golden Earring's "Naked Truth" CDs; (hey, Maiden did cover them once).
Here's Radar Love acoustic:
and for those of you who are familiar with GE beyond their two US hits, here's Mad Love's Comin': and Vanilla Queen