acoustic websites (treatment absorption etc)


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
My question can be summed up from a copy and paste of a conversation so errrr here you go :D

Nathan says:
There must be some kind of resource on the internet where you can enter the measurements of your room and then it would show you the acoustic reflections from a source in a certain place. IF there isnt, its a bloody good idea *

Joe says:
hmm well i shall find out hang on

So is there a site like nathan says?
gearslutz has a forum geared specifically to this. not entirely sure how helpful its proven, as they're stereotypically alot more elitest and less welcoming than we are.
ahm... i forget, i think i did <font size=1>

or atleast that's what i would've done if it weren't an obvious option in the editor

EDIT: yea, it's BBcode. replace all the < and > with brackets [ and ]
