Room Furniture Placement and Acoustic Treatment - Advice needed


Axe Addicted
May 2, 2011
Hey guys, I finally managed to get my own room so I can start building my small home studio... I already have some furniture but I'm not shure what's the best placement or arrangement in the room so I made a few proposals and I would like to have some opinions of whats the best option and why.

So this is the room now:

I already have that small closet for storing purposes and I got two wood desks: a big one for the mixer, monitors, computer, etc... and a smaller one for amp heads, keyboard and random stuff.

- So here's the deal. What's the best arrangement?
If there are other options and you think that could be better solutions than this ones just tell me and i'll do another schematic :)


After getting this done I would like to start thinking about acoustic treatment, so I'm open to sugestions and advices.
My budget is really tight so I'm thinking about some bass traps on the front wall corners and some side acoustic panels to tame the first reflections. The ceiling is also important but got go slowly :)

CHEERS! :kickass:
A is the Best one. Your sweet spot needs to be as symmetrical as possible. And it's better to have you facing the shorter wall (not like in C). Check John Sayers forums there is plenty of good info there. Good luck building your place!
Yea "A" was my bet too. I'm going to give it a try and let you guys know how it works, maybe post some pics and shit. Thanks everyone :worship:

I guess there are more people out there with similar situations so this thread can be somehow useful for them. Feel free to give more insights regarding this subject and acoustic treatment :)
