Active Pickups and Reamping


Feb 16, 2010
Memphis, Tn
I've read the FAQ on re-amping and the necessary equipment so I think i'm on the right track, but I'm not sure. I have a band that I'm recording and the DI's I've been tracking have gone from the guitar>interface with the DI level peaking around -6. Audibly my DI tracks sound find, but like an idiot, I just noticed the guitar that's been used for the whole process has active pick ups. The tone doesn't seem to be negatively effected but I've seen where people have suggested special re amp boxes for active pick ups. And as you can tell, I've been recording straight into my interface (firepod) and I'm not sure if I should be using a direct box. Thanks for any help and advice you guys have. Just wanna make it sound as good as possible.
Other way around, there are DI boxes better suited for actives. Any reamp unit will do.
Any reamp unit will do.
Exactly. But Radial`s units needs some modding to be happy with any pickup (significant drop in level), at least ProRMP, X-Amp as well, but it is more complicated init, I don`t saw similar mod for it.
So I'm basically just losing volume by not using a direct box?

In your initial post, you wrongly referred to a DI box as a reamp box. What you are talking about is a DI box. The DI box is not an omittable thing for passive pickups into most interfaces. Active pickups don't really need them as much, but you may still cut down on noise and interference by using one, and the DI quality might be a bit clearer as well. I own a Firepod, and the Instrument and Hi-z inputs on this unit are not really the kind I would utilize for a professional production. You definitely lose some high end clarity and the low end loosens up a bit, though some interfaces perform a little better without a DI box.