Actors in Politics?


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
So it seems actor Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided to run for governor of California in a recall Ronald Reagan was elected President of the US over 20 years ago..and wrestler Jesse 'The Body' Ventura was elected governor of Minnesota a few years back (just to mention a few)..what's everyone think of actors/entertainers going into politics? Do many other countries have this same phenomenon?
I think it's a US phenomenon mostly. Anyway, they are citizens like any other and are free to enter into politics if they like. If people vote for them simply because they are famous, that's a problem, but not the actor gone politicans fault.
Malleus said:
I think it's a US phenomenon mostly. Anyway, they are citizens like any other and are free to enter into politics if they like. If people vote for them simply because they are famous, that's a problem, but not the actor gone politicans fault.

True, but there are similarities. I mean american politicians are essentially there just to spew one liners-just like actors like Arnold. Is there much difference between "Asta la vista baby" "read my lips-no new taxes" "i am going to pump you up" etc? I don't think so. Behind the facade of politics its the civil service thats the real engine of government.
That is very true. My general view of politics, particularly the democratic process, is that the elections and political parties is an act put on by "them", to make your average joe/ola dunk(the norwegian joe) believe they are actually influencing something...

"I think the puppet on the left shares my belief. -The puppet on the right is more to my liking. Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding up both puppets! -Shut up! Go back to bed America, your government is in control! Here's american gladiators, watch this and get fat and stupid!" -Bill Hicks
Watching the morning news today, they did a story on Arnies run for for governor. One american woman interviewed raised the point that Schwarzenegger has his own money and thus has less political ties that would influence his office. This could be a good thing. Whether he has any qualifications for the job is another matter.
I asked my friends what they think about Arnold joining the recall election and they all said they vote for him. Then I asked what are the issues and agenda for Arnold if he was elected... they don't know.
I don't like the fact that we have voters (like my friends) who base their judgements on name and face recognition.

Personally, there's two serious candidates I'm looking into. There's Larry Flynt, his plans are to help pay California's debt (one of the main reasons why we're having a recall election = debt) and there's Georgy Russell:
That's exactly my problem with it. Sure, Arnie has his own $..but wtf does he know about running a state, much less one that's in serious fiscal trouble? Big difference between that and looking tough on-camera. Man, I'm glad I left California.
Arnie has a very clear agenda. He cooperated with the TV series "Free to Choose" made by Milton and Rose Friedman. Milton Friedman is a nobelprize winner in economics. He belongs to the monetarist "Chicago school". His viewpoint aproaches the "Free market" view. I hesitate to call him a libertarian because he still want's a role for government in controlling the money supply.

Arnold Schwarzenegger runs on a moderated libertarian ticket. He describes himself as a liberal on social issues and a conservative on economic issues. He holds a master in economics and is well read on Friedrich Hayek [free marketeer, nobel prize winner and autor of "The road to serfdom" (1943)], Ludwig von Mises [Classical Liberal, Hayeks teacher, Dean of the Austrian school and autor of among other books "Human Action" 1949]

In short Schwarzenegger is much better informed and has a more thought out strategy than some people think [including many in the media].

For a look into the ideas of the people I mentioned including Schwarzenegger's look here:

PS this post is just to give some info about Schwarzenegger as a political candidate. I am not here to argue politics nor to convince anybody.
Fuþorc said:
The Democrat Smear Campaign against Arnie is what's pissing me off about this campaign.

Pffffft. Republican Daryl Issa's been the instigator of this recall election. Issa is known to be a crooked businessman.