Actual question: Why are we getting a lot of motw-related attn all of a sudden?


Nov 9, 2001
We haven't had a CD come out since August 2001, but ever since I guess the beginning of January we have been getting at least one email or letter every week regarding motW. When the album came out, we got some stuff for a month and then it dwindled. But that had an album's release as its reason. So wtf? Why all of a sudden? Our label got a new distributor recently but that distributor hasn't picked up a single motw release- all they got so far was the latest Novembers Doom.

So, seriously, wtf?

On the serious tip, Opeth board folk praise you guys all the time. Even now there is a "maudlin of the Well" thread going.
russell, but what confuses me is that there was a surge in the past couple months seemingly due to... nothing! No articles as far as I know, no releases, no videos, etc etc
and why so many of us insist we are NOT GAY in them.
