Add Skyfiren banner to your sig!

:lol: :headbang: cool banner, however I like my sig just being text for now. However, at least you've made the first on-top Skyfire post here in a while, cheers to that! :tickled:
Excellent work man. There was another forum member who doesn't post anymore, Stygian something who used to have a really cool Skyfire banner for his site.
But his was Timeless Departure colours, and yours is MR, :tickled:
Dude, that's really cool. I really only post here on Ultimate Metal, so using it would be kind of wasted since everyone here's already a fan, but I can definately use it on other message boards.
:( unfortunately there's this stupid 500-characters-limitation for signatures.

and the pic-links/linked pics i'm having in my sig are almost 500 characters already.
i'm searching for a free webhost who allows remote linking and who doesn't have such long names like the one i'm at the moment.

anyone knows one?