Added new song to myspace

well to be fair he drummed and played all the double bass kick patterns on the EP. but Dave wasnt' really happy with the sound so he did trigger them and use some samples that he felt fit the music better than the tone we were getting out of Dillon's kit.
welp I suck ass at 1.6 and CZ. I might have to try them out again though..I reclal the maps being better...less advantage toa certain team on alot (aztec comes to mind)
I might have to get 1.6. Last time I played old CS was back during 1.4, and it was my friends' computer to boot. $10 seems worth it.... so mabye soon.
yeah, there's alot less noobs in 1.6 better teamwork....its usually alot faster paced than source. BUt the aiming is alot more difficult than source. the hitboxes are alot smaller and the guns spread is alot less predictable. last time I played for about 30 minutes..I couldn't hit shit. But I'm getting so sick of the faggotry in source that I might give it another whirl.
I jsut played CZ last sucked. all the counterstrike games are filled with faggotry...spawn campers, aimbots, wallers...I used to be pretty damn good, now i'm lucky to break even against all the assholes. I'm looking for a different game to play now adays.
Yeah, i dont like customs either.. is a great server, no cheaters, admins are active a lot..
only problem is maybe the time difference, its a dutch (but english speaking, ofcourse) server, and i have no idea of the time difference between montana and holland..