Addictive Drums and Guitar Pro MIDI, help please?


May 28, 2009
Hey guys, I finally got AD installed and working and now when I bring my MIDI that I write in Guitar Pro into AD, the drum mappings are different.

Like a hi hat that I wrote in Guitar Pro is a Ride in AD, or something.

How do I make it so it's the same as GP? I don't want to rewrite all my stuff, and when I jam for fun I just take a drum track from a GP file and play to it.
Thanks for responses in advance & Godbless.
if AD is anything like superior drummer, it should have a midi map. unfortunately you are going to have to redo everthing according to that map though.
You don't have to re-write the MIDI drums, just make a drum map in your DAW or move it manually (both only take a couple of minutes to do). Addictive Drums also released an update that has built-in GM support...I just haven't used it yet, but just download the update and find out.
Hey guys, I finally got AD installed and working and now when I bring my MIDI that I write in Guitar Pro into AD, the drum mappings are different.

Like a hi hat that I wrote in Guitar Pro is a Ride in AD, or something.

How do I make it so it's the same as GP? I don't want to rewrite all my stuff, and when I jam for fun I just take a drum track from a GP file and play to it.
Thanks for responses in advance & Godbless.

sorry to mislead the thread, but how did you make gp's midi directly into ad? i used try to make it by a soft midi interface, like "midi yoke", but it always let gp crash. how did you do that?
Hi guys, Sorry to hijack the thread. I'm having an issue with Guitar Pro export to Cubase SX 3. When I used to export MIDI from Guitar Pro to Cubase, each separate Guitar Pro track would appear in a separate track in Cubase. One day I switched on my computer and it's not doing that any more, instead mashing all the tracks together on a single MIDI track inside Cubase. How do I change it back?

Thanks guys!
There should be an option in Cubase where you select whether you want the MIDI file to be imported as seperate tracks or one purged track. I faced that issue once with sonar and once with reaper but it was a simple fix. It did make me go MAOO?!? once or twice though :P I'm not a Cubase expert so I can't tell you exactly where that option is. Sorry :(
For Cubase at least there exists a macro that can convert from GM to Addctive.
Im at work now so I cannot say for sure, but I belive it is available from the XLN site.
Sorry for bumping the thread..

I had the same problem with Guitar Pro and Addictive drums and none of the maps I found worked for me.
The problems solved with the Midi File Mapper. You just load the midi file and it can convert it to Addictive Drums midi file (or EZD etc.)
I've uploaded it for anyone who has the same problem
I hope that helps you! Cheers!