addictive website

I had my 13 year-old dog put to sleep because it was really starting to bug me but I convinced my wife and the vet that it was sick.
i had a baby that was deformed and i knew i couldnt take care of him. so i left him in a shoe store on purpose. that was 15 yrs ago and i still havent bothered to track ihm down.
a couple of years ago i made this parody site that makes fun of the women who have miscarriages and abortions and then make creepy, sugar-sweet geocities memorials full of animated angel gifs for them. once in a while i get a tearful email from some woman who didn't get the joke and wants to share the sorrow of her 14 consecutive miscarriages/stillbirths and how she's praying for both of us. i always paste it directly to my irc channel.

i am female
I was glad when the mother in stepmom died of cancer but I was watching it with my girlfriend and had to pretend I was sad. Then I thought about Julie Roberts when I banged her that night.
the suck about this website is that it's making me laugh and people at work stare.

Also when something is funny and I try to hold in the laughter, I get crazy eyes.