Adelaide Show

Wilhelm Klink

Oct 8, 2001
The setlist was:
lunar strain: behind space
TJR: moonshield, artifacts of the black rain
whoracle: jotun, gyroscope, episode 666
colony: coerced coexistence, embody the invisible
clayman: pinball map, only for the weak
reroute to remain: system, trigger, cloud connected
STYE: the quiet place, touch of red, dial 595 escape, superhero of the computer rage, evil in a closet, my sweet shadow... um i'm not really sure about the stye songs maybe one of the new fans can help...

The gig was really good, a lot better than I expected. The slow part of episode 666 didn't sound right tho, and artifacts of the black rain sounded pretty screwed up. Unfortunately the new in flames songs got a better reception than the old classics.
Nice, a couple of older songs making a reappearance in there, and a couple of new tracks from STYE that they've not played live elsewhere as far as I know. I'll need to try and catch them again somewhere in the near future, it'd be great to hear Jotun and Artifacts live.
yeah i was at the Melbourne show last night, it was a fucken great show. Yeah , i also noticed the new songs got a better reception, which is a bit annoying. The setlist was this , except i didnt know the name of the opening song.

Lunar Strain - Behind Space (could have been the best for the night)
TJR - Moonshield (quite a surprise for me)
Whoracle- episode 666, food for the gods, gyroscope
Colony - Embody the invisible
Clayman - pinball map, clayman, only for the weak,
R2R - System, Trigger, Cloud Connected
STYE - The quiet place, touch of red, evil in a closet, my sweet shadow, superhero of the computer rage, dial 595 escape
Trigger EP - Watch them feed
Pretty good setlist there. Can't wait for my September 26 show.
sounds like a long set list
that must be an hour and a half almost
its gonna be great im goin tuesday and wednesday

did they do an instore in melbourne???