ADK Recording laptops


Jun 6, 2007

Came accross them on the web any one here have any experience with these laptops or the company? Thinking of getting a laptop dedicated to recording on location and sample playback for live gigs as my current laptop keeps crashing and is pissing me off:heh:

This company seems to stack up well against the compitition and they are good bang for buck to and they will ship to europe which is great.

I realy need a rock solid stable system which wont break the bank (as im spending waaay to much on gear latley) for on site recording and especialy for live use as we dont have a real drummer/bass player and will be relying on the computer for playback of drums bass and keyboard/synth/choir
Good prices, but I know I'm gonna be getting a Rain Recording Livebook in the next month, so check that out too! (they're cheapest is like $1600, don't know about Euro shipping though)
Hmm maybe mac could be the way to go i was interested in getting one before but like you said the towers are super overpriced.

Is any one here running a saffire pro 26 on a mac system? I cant realy afford a macbook pro but could pick up a mid specd macbook

But i dont know how stable it would be with the saffire. Anyone using macbooks for sample playback live?
I run my PRO 26i/o on an MBP and ran it on my old MacBook just fine. Never tried it for live playback as I've not been in a band since getting the setup, but I'm not too insanely thrilled on the stability of the Saffire, mainly on the software end of things. I literally cannot upgrade firmware without moving to a different computer,, and my machine won't recognize the Saffire from the XP side of BootCamp. Focusrite software/drivers are kind of hit/miss and really aren't that great. I'm actually going to go back to a FirePod setup pretty soon, just because my old one was stable as all hell and the Saffre really doesn't sound much, if at all, better.
I HATE laptops with a passion.

That said the MBP is the way to go if laptop is a must.

Ha know what ya mean but it is needed unfortunatly as i can only track drums on location i dont have my own studio and the whole live use thing as well. No way im splashing that much money on a MBP (well more like i cant affford it) is there much of a difference in performance between the macbook and macbook pro that warrents the extra cash? I mean a macbook with say 2 gigs of ram and dual core processor should be fine for tracking up to 24 tracks at the same time il be doing all mixing on a different rig
Yeah, the Macbook should handle it. I mean, I've got an iMac with less juice than the Macbook, and it handles 24 at once. Plus I do a lot of mixing on it.
Anyone ever put thought into the rackmount pc's, like the ones Sweetwater and ADK have?

I figure you'd have to bring a rack of gear anyways, why not have your rig in that and just have to bring a monitor separate. I've been thinking about going this way for a little while now. I'm actually wondering who has the better deal, ADK or Sweetwater (or someone else).