Rain Recording Laptops

Trust me I tried :/ The drivers that came on my Snow Leopard CD to use all the Apple hardware Windows are a niiiightmare to get working in XP, it was a disaster :Puke: Super painless in Win7 though! Would prefer XP but whatever, need to move forward and accept change sooner or later, might as well get used to it now. Win7 seems a lot more stable and efficient than Vista as well, it's pretty solid and I almost like it as much as OSX...
Build a bad ass recording desktop, and spend the difference on a decent work/school/fuck-around laptop or netbook.

That was my original plan, but there's nothing wrong with my Mac Pro, and I threw it up on here and Gearslutz for sale but no bites. I would have let it go with Cinema display and everything for $1500. I do plan on building a PC when the Mac shits the bed or finds a new home, but for now I'm just lookin' to replace my Macbook when I sell it. I've always been a PC person, but for the last 5 years have been using exclusively Macs, bootcamping XP naturally.

Right now, unless I find a nice Asus or something that tickles my fancy (and slashes my budget in half), I'm debating between Studiocat and ADK. It's nice that Studiocat throws in the 2 SSD drives, but I like the total customization of ADK. That pricetag is a bitch though. I've been lusting for the Golden Age pres recently, as well as stocking up on some plugs, so I'm hoping to get lucky and stumble upon a good middleground. Until then, the hunt is on!
Next order of business....Do you think there will be any serious heat issues with these laptops that have the desktop i7s? My Macbook Pro gets hot as hell and I can only imagine how much heat a desktop processor crammed into a laptop would create.
Next order of business....Do you think there will be any serious heat issues with these laptops that have the desktop i7s? My Macbook Pro gets hot as hell and I can only imagine how much heat a desktop processor crammed into a laptop would create.

Call Scott at ADK bro, he will be able to answer all your questions and help you spec something out that will work best for you.
Honestly, I don't get how so many of you guys work on dual-cores so well

shit man, you should see me working a 40-track mix on my single-core, 3ghz dell...jesus himself would call it a miracle and ask to shake my hand
Trust me I tried :/ The drivers that came on my Snow Leopard CD to use all the Apple hardware Windows are a niiiightmare to get working in XP, it was a disaster :Puke: Super painless in Win7 though! Would prefer XP but whatever, need to move forward and accept change sooner or later, might as well get used to it now. Win7 seems a lot more stable and efficient than Vista as well, it's pretty solid and I almost like it as much as OSX...

while we're at it, what Win would you recommend for these specs

I've been running W7 32-bit for a while now, it's cool but I do wonder if I'd gain more performance-wise if I'd switch to WinXP SP2?
The thing I'd be worried about using a laptop for recording for, would be the hard-drive speed.

I tried recording four microphones once with our Macbook (white Core 2 Duo machine) and it was pretty shit. I was using my Profire 2626 into it, and couldn't manage four microphones without crapping out here and there. Not suitable :(

I've thought about putting an SSD in it, which should really boost the performance of recording.
The thing I'd be worried about using a laptop for recording for, would be the hard-drive speed.

I tried recording four microphones once with our Macbook (white Core 2 Duo machine) and it was pretty shit. I was using my Profire 2626 into it, and couldn't manage four microphones without crapping out here and there. Not suitable :(

I've thought about putting an SSD in it, which should really boost the performance of recording.

I record 16 channels simultaneously to my internal 5400rpm Macbook Pro drive all the time, no issues!