Adult Swim


Not just for lubing
Oct 1, 2006
Santa Barbara
I know I'm not the only person disappointed with Adult Swim right now. There needs to be more Stroker and Hoop and less Peewee. Some people got mad about Saved by the Bell, but I liked it only because they didn't make it a part of the regular lineup. But props to Metalocalypse and Korgath, as well as old favorites like Robot Chicken and Futurama
This thread is what made me officially decide to start frequenting this subforum. I've been staying away because I hate the background color, because it's scary and Mauve, but the fact that there's an Adult Swim thread here now makes me brave the Mauveness. And it SO does not match my sig. o_O

The best show ever to exist on AS was Sealab 2021. They need to put that show back on.
Sealab was definitely awesome. They need more bizarre, fifteen minute shows that are good to replace the bizarre, fifteen minute shows that suck rectum, like the gawdawful Squidbillies
Ugh, I HATE Squidbillies!! It's so bad!! Or even Tom Goes To The Mayor. That show would be half decent, but because of the way all the characters look, it's so annoying!!

But Metalocalypse is the most brilliant thing ever concieved through animation of all time.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is just.... perfect.

Robot Chicken is just SOOOOO GOOOOD!!!!!
I'd let Tom Goes to the Mayor stay on as long as it didn't cut into any other decent programming...but they could put more decent programming on if they stopped showing so much goddamn anime
The other night, I turned on the tv and saw a show called "Bleach" or something, and heard them talking about a Soul Society, and I was like "Alright, it's about time Kamelot had their own cartoon show." But it turns out that they were using the name of one of Kamelot's best songs as a name for a spirit world and I was like "Aww, GAY!!!"

I don't even know what my point was....

Kamelot should get their own cartoon show.
TheDukeOfKahn said:
I'd let Tom Goes to the Mayor stay on as long as it didn't cut into any other decent programming...but they could put more decent programming on if they stopped showing so much goddamn anime

This is irrelevant to all that has been said so far, but your Doug Funnie cartoon made me laugh my ass off. I actually spit out my gatorade whilst reading it.

As far as Adult Swim goes: It got me into an AMAZING piece of art called Cowboy Bebop. That show is by far my most favorite thing I've ever watched. ATHF rocks the house, and I haven't seen much of it, but the Boondocks was awesome too.
Yeah, Boondocks is definitely good to have on there, but I'll still give the show a B in overall rating

thanks, i stole it from someone in another forum
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Brak Show, Sealab,and Robot Chicken are fecking ace! I totally love Adult Swim for those shows.

I think we're behind in the UK.
Haven't seen any Metalocalypse yet.
The Brak Show & Aqua Teen Hunger Force are hilarious! I can't believe I resisted friends' attempts to get me to watch them for so long!

Space Ghost seems kind of completely fucking stupid and boring
Yeah, Futurama has taken over as Matt Groening's best show. Just unlike how American Dad will never, EVER be even slightly better than Family Guy.