Adult Swim

I could never get into Robot Chicken, although my friend is a huge fan of it. I only watch Metalocalypse.
I LOVE Futurama but Ugh, I can't take 12 oz Mouse!! It's right up
there with Brak and Squidbillies :zombie:

I'm quite a fan of the anime they show! I miss Wolf's Rain and Witch Hunter
Robin, but happy they still have InuYasha & Full Metal Alchemist!!

All in all, there needs to be waaaay more ATHF and Metalocalypse!
HAHAHA peewee is the shit. whenever im with friends and someone sais the word of the day we all yell as loud as we can no matter where we are or what were doig. its stupid but fucking funny
Stroker and Hoop is pretty funny, I gotta say. I liked it more when it first came out, but some of the jokes you can see coming a mile away. Still always a great watch!

....and this is coming from an action anime fan! :lol:

Pee Wee is okay. I'd rather something else be on, but at least the timeslot isn't filled with the f%$#in' Venture Bros :mad:
Oh, do not speak ill of the Venture Bros. They beat out Peewee any day of the week, I'd rather not have to be under the influence of anything to be able to watch Adult Swim
The other night, I turned on the tv and saw a show called "Bleach" or something, and heard them talking about a Soul Society, and I was like "Alright, it's about time Kamelot had their own cartoon show." But it turns out that they were using the name of one of Kamelot's best songs as a name for a spirit world and I was like "Aww, GAY!!!"

I don't even know what my point was....

Kamelot should get their own cartoon show.

Bleach is actually a very good anime.
Brak was sweet. Futrama is probably the best, and it is returning for more episodes on Comedy Central either next year, or in 2008, so that will be freaking awesome. Didn't realize it took so long to produce those though, so many years... how could they possibly place pop culture references in a show that takes 2 years to produce new episodes?

Family Guy was great before they became edgey for the sake of being edgey, I guess you'd say before they were canceled. They probably should have stayed canceled to be honest. American Dad is slightly funny, but not as funny as Family Guy, and it also follows the edginess trend and they surely realized a political cartoon like that could only last so long. I don't watch Peepee, or most of that other stuff. Robot Chicken is great, I've got Season 1 on DVD.

My Gym Partner's A Monkey = Awesome.

And yeah, white text on light blue is annoying.

I IMMEDIATELY fell in love with that show....that first episode was brilliant, and it just gets better and better.