Advertising for the upcoming tour.

King Chaos

Pomeo Osoponeor
Mar 19, 2004
Was just wondering if the advertisers are being misleading or if it actually is DT headlining... because in three different places I have seen This:


Last night at a club I was handed a flier with DT at the top of it aswell, similar layout to that thing (Taken from Terrorizer 138. DEC 2005 issues).

Now I already understand both bands will be doing equally long sets, but this makes out that DT are at the tip of the berg for the shows. I havent seen any adverts what-so-ever that are putting Chimaira up on top.
according to the homepage its this way:

"Between the 28th of November and the 21st of December, we'll be spreading the gospel throughout Europe with Chimaira and Hatesphere. The headlining slot will be switched between us and Chimaira depending on the country, but the playing time will be equal regardless of the position on the bill. In other words, it's a real co-headline tour (as opposed to certain other trips in the past that have been labeled as such for no apparant reason)."

perhaps in UK CHimaira are headliner? I think they are more popular on this island than our DT-boys?
anyway this is what I found on the page of the booking agency:
Neben "In Flames" waren und sind es hauptsächlich Dark Tranquility, die den sogenannten "Göteborg Sound" erfunden, entwickelt und auf die nächste Stufe gebracht haben. Genannter Göteborg-Sound zeichnet sich durch die doppelten Leads aus, die nicht nur ein Markenzeichen von "Iron Maiden" sind, sondern auch bei Thrash Bands wie "Exodus" oder "Heathen" gern Verwendung finden. Hinzu kommen komplexe Songstrukturen und ein guter Schuss Melodie. Seit über 15 Jahren dabei, rocken die Schweden immer noch, als gäbs kein morgen.
wrong name and DT as Headliner in germany.thats what they deserve:D

but another question, what are the ticketprices around europe for their " show of character"-tour?
I payed 20,20€ for my ticket in munich, what about other places?
I know all that about them playing the same length and most popular band will play at the head of the show, but if chimaira are headlining in the UK, which is likely seen as though they are actually quite trendy over here and pack everything they play out, why are they advertising the gig with Dark Tranquillity large header on the top font over the character cover?

Personally I'd rather Chimaira headlined, so I won't miss any of DTs set when I must leave early for mi train.
as far aas i know, chimaira and dt should alternatively be headliners but they'll play the same length anyway, both being headliners or not.

as for the tickets, i italy you pay them 20 euros + 2-3 euros of pre-selling rights (is that the way you call them?) if you buy the ticket online :)