The Dobermenn

Onde Erik

Oct 10, 2001
Gothenburg, Sweden
Yesterday's show was great. I have one concern however, which keeps me from posting this in the European tour thread. I feel my purpose transcends the boundaries of that thread into far more... stupid territory.
Everything was great - but they didn't play Dobermann. The omission of Dobermann from several recent sets has had me worried, and finally made me decide to start a support group, aptly titled The Dobermenn, for people like me who want to hear this rather tasty piece of music performed live.
Doberwomenn are of course equally welcome to join.

The main task of the group's members should be to shout "Dobermann" inbetween songs at each and every DT performance from now on. Now who's with me? :)

Like a host
in dim light
at an overcrowded stage
they're wishing
to hear something they may not
I'd yell Crimson Winds, but I have a feeling it would be a bit annoying to them, especially as they probably rehearsed that song last years ago... Dobermann it is.
Originally posted by seventi
Off topic: What happend to my gay test thread?

merged it with the "test" thread. i posted a message on it telling you about it and left it on a few hours in hope you would see it. i'm sorry if it annoys you, but there was a lot of them about last night.

thats a cool idea,the dobermen...
one of my favorite songs of DT(together with ony our time)
but I dont know when I will see them again,so I must be a passive doberman
on the gig in nürnebrg I was standing in front of niklas and shout:hours passsed in exile!
nikals saw me but he did not understand so I shout again.
he looked at me,smiled and made no with the head
damn I said ,fold my hand and looked really sad into his eyes
he smiled again and 3 sonsg later they playd this hours...
so shouting to the band works(sometimes),lets try it out
Originally posted by solefald
thats a cool idea,the dobermen...
one of my favorite songs of DT(together with ony our time)
but I dont know when I will see them again,so I must be a passive doberman
on the gig in nürnebrg I was standing in front of niklas and shout:hours passsed in exile!
nikals saw me but he did not understand so I shout again.
he looked at me,smiled and made no with the head
damn I said ,fold my hand and looked really sad into his eyes
he smiled again and 3 sonsg later they playd this hours...
so shouting to the band works(sometimes),lets try it out
Yes, but you have to take into account they played that song on every gig of the tour. :p
Gah! I'm so happy that there were no stupid Dobermenn during this gig. At Heden I was next to a bunch of them and they screamed for that stupid (not really) song all the fucking time. I think Stanne was pissed at them also. So keep shuting up please! :p
Originally posted by rahvin
merged it with the "test" thread. i posted a message on it telling you about it and left it on a few hours in hope you would see it. i'm sorry if it annoys you, but there was a lot of them about last night.


No problems mate, thanx anyway!