Advice for your 25 year old self?


Dec 8, 2007
I'll be 25 in a bit, which is sort of like hitting a cap in my mind...I know all the 'age is only a number' bit, and to some extent I agree (used to fully agree when I was younger).

Yet, it leaves me with a very alarmed feeling, and possibly a bit of angst. Most of the people around me seem to have everything into place, are either married or have something thought out. Sounds like 'self improvement bogus', but got any impressions that you remember from your mid 20s? What advice would you give your 25 year old self?
25 was a pretty good time for me. 1/2 way on my way to being self employed, making great money, travelled a lot in the winter, free spirited and having a blast. Many of my friends fell into that "25 I have to be married and have 3 kids" mental block trap that has left them miserable fat and old. :tickled:

What would I tell myself? Enjoy it, go have fun. For fucks sake don't fall into any of the societal templates.
I'm 27 and I have that age block too. I have dreams about age but you know what ...age is a number and numbers are how we organize and find meaning in our lives. I'm old...but not that old. Focus on doing what you want and if you want to go to some bar, be free spirited and do young shit do it because guess what? you're 25. Our country sells YOUTH and barrages everyone over the head with it. As long as you keep yourself healthy and energized you'll feel young. I guess I'm contradicting myself a bit but uh.... just save that type of thinking till' when you're 40 or 50...or 60. Obviously you mature... like if I went out and did some of the stuff I did when I was 21 everyone would probably think I'm just some irresponsible idiot. that's the way it is.

25 was probably the best year of my life so far. I remember it fondly, there were a lot of amazing things happening that year and lots of excellent people in my life. I'm not sure I'd change anything about it, but if I could travel in time to 8 years ago and give myself some advice, it would be to not worry about getting old. There is absolutely no reason to grow up fast. When you hit your 30s, you feel silly for thinking you were getting old in your 20s. It's funny, I "felt" older then than I do now. It's this weird little epiphany you have at some point where you realize age is a mental thing, not determined by a chart marking how long you have been alive.

Just keep doing what makes you happy and the universe will take care of the rest. Flow with the go :)
Travel as much as possible, find your ideal place in life (both physically and mentally) and stay there. Do what makes you happy and ignore everything that doesn't at least contribute to your happiness. 5 and 10-year plans are for boring, insipid people.

Location, location, location. If you're happy where you are, you will be happy in what you do.
25 was probably the best year of my life so far. I remember it fondly, there were a lot of amazing things happening that year and lots of excellent people in my life. I'm not sure I'd change anything about it, but if I could travel in time to 8 years ago and give myself some advice, it would be to not worry about getting old. There is absolutely no reason to grow up fast. When you hit your 30s, you feel silly for thinking you were getting old in your 20s. It's funny, I "felt" older then than I do now. It's this weird little epiphany you have at some point where you realize age is a mental thing, not determined by a chart marking how long you have been alive.

Just keep doing what makes you happy and the universe will take care of the rest. Flow with the go :)

This is so true. When you hit 30, nothing changes (except maybe your babymaker). I feel more empowered now than I did in my 20's and I don't regret anything, ever.
Nice insights, peeps!

Many of my friends fell into that "25 I have to be married and have 3 kids" mental block trap that has left them miserable fat and old. :tickled:

What would I tell myself? Enjoy it, go have fun. For fucks sake don't fall into any of the societal templates.

Yeah, I agree. I always tried to not get sucked in. The only nagging thing about it is 'what if you'll end up miserable, fat, old AND lonely because you didn't make the right choices when you had a chance.' Not sure. I will do whatever I think is right anyway, taking things day by day. I guess there's no predefined recipe.

Location, location, location. If you're happy where you are, you will be happy in what you do.

I couldn't agree more, as I simply don't feel at home when I'm, home. Left CZ and I just know I'll leave again soonish. I just need to be somewhere else, not sure where. I don't mind being in a foreign country if I feel at home there.
Nice insights, peeps!

Yeah, I agree. I always tried to not get sucked in. The only nagging thing about it is 'what if you'll end up miserable, fat, old AND lonely because you didn't make the right choices when you had a chance.' Not sure. I will do whatever I think is right anyway, taking things day by day. I guess there's no predefined recipe.

25 was probably the best year of my life so far. I remember it fondly, there were a lot of amazing things happening that year and lots of excellent people in my life. I'm not sure I'd change anything about it, but if I could travel in time to 8 years ago and give myself some advice, it would be to not worry about getting old. There is absolutely no reason to grow up fast. When you hit your 30s, you feel silly for thinking you were getting old in your 20s. It's funny, I "felt" older then than I do now. It's this weird little epiphany you have at some point where you realize age is a mental thing, not determined by a chart marking how long you have been alive.

Just keep doing what makes you happy and the universe will take care of the rest. Flow with the go :)

I agree with this. I think most people feel better as they grow older anyway...I'm more accepting of who I am and not comparing myself to others as much. Cause when you know yourself...who can make you feel like shit? Fuck em. That's the best way to feel happy, imo. Cause no one really gives a shit what you do anyway... Still be morally sound I guess and be considerate. If you're a good dude/chick...people will tend to cut you some slack and they will have your back. ALOT of it is the people you hang around too. I felt like shit for years because I had friends that were just way too hard on everyone, themselves and everything.
Very true. Somewhere along the last 20 years, the notion of "friend" went from someone you trust and support and who trusts and supports you to someone who has a few of the same interests as least for me. I've had "friends" who were nothing more than passive-aggressive dicks who shared your same interests. You hung around them more out of habit than actual wanting to be in their company. I remember several times thinking to myself, "Why am I here with this person? I really don't enjoy his or her company because he or she just makes me feel bad about myself." Somewhere along the way it became ok for friends to act like dicks, and if you complained about it you were just whiny and thin-skinned. A friend won't make you feel bad about yourself unless he or she is trying to help you see that YOU are the problem, but if you're not the problem, then they're really not your friend and most often they're just insecure about being on their own.
you are around a third dead.

Advice for my 25 year old self? I've got three years to figure that out.