Advice Needed


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Mar 29, 2003
Hey All,

I know a lot of people advertise their sites here and such. I am starting a site that I hope will be a bit different and unique. But I know there are a lot of good opinionated people on this board that may be able to steer me in the right way. I do realize that a site is all trial and error as far as popularity goes but if you guys can give me some solid feedback I would really appreciate it. I don't want "hits" on my site but people that are really interested in the site so feedback would be awesome. Thanks.


There is not much there yet but with all good things, just wait!

The_Q said:
Hey All,

I know a lot of people advertise their sites here and such. I am starting a site that I hope will be a bit different and unique. But I know there are a lot of good opinionated people on this board that may be able to steer me in the right way. I do realize that a site is all trial and error as far as popularity goes but if you guys can give me some solid feedback I would really appreciate it. I don't want "hits" on my site but people that are really interested in the site so feedback would be awesome. Thanks.


There is not much there yet but with all good things, just wait!


Damn... Nice Idea. This site would be very helpful to a lot of people i believe, including myself. Good Luck with it.

ok, i'll be as picky as possible, just to make the site better for ya! (oh, all is just my personal opinion too, by the way, which may or may not count for anything!)

opening page:

center the "please click here" stuff and everything below
use the <center> and </center> tag around it, don't use the &nbsp,
this way, it's centered on everyone's screen
also, maybe put what resolution it's best viewed at too <- not necessary though
nice look to it though

Main Page

same thing, use the center tag instead of all the &nbsp
i'm not sure about other people, but i couldn't read pages and pages of yellow text, so hopefully you don't go with that as your main color. I like the green better, more relaxing, or else a white, or bright gray. just my personal opinion, other people will have different tastes than me.

if you know how to, you might want to use CSS (cascading style sheets), then you don't always have to type in border="0" for your images and you can have a standard font color, size, etc, and also link colors, ok, a wide variety of things :grin: . it will make things a little easier if you use them.

Great idea for the site. my only wonder is, it's such a huge concept, will you keep it up or abandon it after a while? my advice is focus only on one section at a time until you have them built up pretty far. might want to add a forum of your own too, and also make sure you have the latest news, to keep people coming back. one site i like is because the community of people post news topics that link to articles. i go there almost every day to see what's new.

Overall, should be a very good site, you have some nice clean code too, so that always helps! I'll bookmark the site and check back every now and then and give you some feedback as you progress.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks Brent and Aethar for the comments. Aethar, I really will take your suggestions regarding the text color into intense consideration as I don't want to alienate anyone and a more "relaxed" look appeals to me as well. My main idea was to do just what you had stated, concentrate on one part of the site and then go from there. All too often you go 1000mph doing all this stuff and lose total momentum abd burn out. I will pace myself, do it right, and hopefully in time have a good site that people will like to come to. I kind of look at it like a band would, I love to do it and if others enjoy it, great. I will also be adding Photoshop elements to enhance the graphics to the site soon. Thanks for the great comments. BTW E-mail me if you guys are interested in the Progpower Meet I am putting together. Details to be released soon. Take it easy- Sean
yeah man, if you ever need any help trying to learn something, let met know, i'll tell you if i can otherwise i'll try to find something (or someone) that explains it pretty well. adding photoshop stuff will be cool, just don't get tempted to go overboard! always remember, content is more important than the looks of the site (to an extent, of course).

have fun though!
Hear hear!

Nothing turns me off from a website faster than overblown code that detracts from getting the information I want. Sadly, a lot of band sites fall into this trap; I've come across many a site that crashed my browser or were just too complicated, garish or graphics-heavy to deal with. That's when I say "Thank you, please drive through."