Advice on this mix? [Le456, SSD Essentials]


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA Up MASTER 1.mp3

Spent a while on this yesterday while trying to learn my new monitors. Just some BS I made up. I like to make random drum tracks then freestyle guitars to that until I find some riffs I like.

I think I'm not cutting enough of the guitars away because they seem sort of harsh, but then I listen to a "pro" mix and the guitars seem wayyyy much more harsh than mine.

I'm starting to hear a lot of detail I never heard before with these monitors.
I think the guitars sound cool, but if your not happy with them I'd try a tape saturation plugin. I like the low end in the mix. You can feel it.
Tune down the cymbals a bit. The guitar sounds fucking epic. Try using Legion. Its fucking brutual.
Yeah after listening back on different speakers I realized the cymbals are a bit loud. I've been meaning to get into more of the LePou sims but for some reason I always find myself coming back to the Le456.

But the mix doesn't sound too dark or anything? After comparing it with other mixes, I think it sounds way too dark.
Mix sounds pretty good dude! The bass note around :55 seconds and 1:03 needs to be more controlled. I'd say cut more low-mids out the bass and compress it a bit more. There's also a couple bad frequencies I'm hearing probably in the guitar, but find what instruments are causing the harshness at 2300k. Also, maybe trying cutting a little more (if you did already) out of the guitars at 4k. I downloaded this and cut just out -14 at 4k with the most narrow Q and -7.5 at 2300k with the most narrow Q and it cleaned it up a lot, so if you found those frequencies in the mix it would help clean up bad frequencies! Also I agree with you it's a bit dark
Main problem is in the drums I think, snare especially sounds muffled and distant. When the snare/toms are a bit more upfront, maybe the balance would be better. It seems to me it could work guitar wise. Maybe the bass could use more control but it would be easier to tell with punchier drums.

I would raise the solo by a few dB as well, not too much but just a little bit more, so that it gets in the front line
The kick is a bit loud and the snare seems quiet but not a bad tone on the guitar. The impulse reminds me a bit of the orange_2 one, is that the one?
Thanks a lot guys!

Impulses are s-preshigh on main rhythms and I think "Sneap edge" or something for the leads.

I shall tweak a bit more.

I am seriously considering buying Metal Machine drum pack but I guess I'd need EZDrummer then too. Sort-of limited with what I have to work with right now.
you can get toontrack products cheap right now. You should be able to get ez drummer with metal machine both for around 100 bucks. I highly recommend them.