Hello fellow sneapsters, this is just a rough mix of my song that I'm working on and I know that its nowhere near finished, just I've been working on it all day and think my ears need a rest so thought I'd share with you guys for some advice and get back to it tomorrow with some fresh ears 
Guitars and bass tracked through pod x3 and drums are EZdrummer DFH
Any criticism (positive or negative) would be much appreciated
EDIT: I ALWAYS forget to post the link whenever I make a thread here...my bad
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20841509/THE SONG AGIN.mp3
UPDATED MIX: Just messed about with the js plugins on reaper to make the guitars stand out more
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20841509/the song random eqing and ting.mp3

Guitars and bass tracked through pod x3 and drums are EZdrummer DFH
Any criticism (positive or negative) would be much appreciated

EDIT: I ALWAYS forget to post the link whenever I make a thread here...my bad
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20841509/THE SONG AGIN.mp3
UPDATED MIX: Just messed about with the js plugins on reaper to make the guitars stand out more
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20841509/the song random eqing and ting.mp3