Advice please :(


Nov 9, 2001
Aesma Daeva asked me to sub on bass for them at a gig they have opening for Lacuna Coil on Dec. 1, in Minneapolis. It's a Monday and would mean a day and a half off of work, which isn't too big a deal. They said they'd buy the plane ticket too.

The thing is, my family is going to vermont for Thanksgiving until Sunday the 30th.. and the only affordable flight out there is for Saturday. Now, I could leave Vermont early, but I don't really want to.

I really want the lifestyle of traveling around and gigging, and it's awesome to be asked to do it and be flown out and everything. I mean, it's kind of what I want to do with my career.

But for some reason, I'm not SUPER psyched enough to be like "Hell yeah!" Maybe it's just because Aesma Daeva is an OK band but not really my type of music, and that I don't care much for Lacuna Coil at all? Aesma Daeva are fun to hang out with and all.

What should I do?
i'm going to say you should hang out with us all weekend, but i'm highly biased. also, i'm going to have to take a bus home if you don't leave Sunday. :)

what about the vacation time? would you rather save it for KD shows?
if it's what you want out of a career, you gotta make sacrifices, say fuck it, and just fucking do it. I wouldn't start discriminating until later. fuck your family (especially alex).
it's a highly personal decision. i wouldnt go, just cuz my family has a huge deal on thanksgiving (also mom's birthday) but other people, it's not such a big deal. i dont think anyone would hold not going against you at all though.
i can see both sides; if it was a KD show, undoubtedly you'd make it happen, but to do it for someone else's band/creative vision (which you may not be entirely into) makes it kinda tougher to sacrifice personal life stuff.

are you afraid of losing the bass gig with them if they have to find someone else (or is that even an option for them at this point, like a week and a half away)?
the_preppy said:
it's a highly personal decision. i wouldnt go, just cuz my family has a huge deal on thanksgiving (also mom's birthday) but other people, it's not such a big deal. i dont think anyone would hold not going against you at all though.

what day's your mom's bday? mine's the 26th
well my only reason for "not" doing it is, what if you need those vacation days in ten months to play some KD shows in CA or something? or will your work be flexible?
yeah, a day and a half is a lot of vacation time to take off for someone else's band- it could be better spent driving to st. louis. ahem.

(actually, i am indeed making some contacts with an awesome local venue if you guys ever want to come through)