AE leaked?

Of cource it's leaked, just about anything but Metallica these days is. I'll be downloading this tonight, that's for sure. I didn't think I'd have a chance to preview DTB... But hey, now I've got a heads up.
The official release date here in Europe is next Monday, I believe.

Anyway, I have already heard it...the first impression: it is very slow, almost too slow for my taste. But, I still have to hear it a couple more times.

Current hit - Slow Me Down.
Now, that is pop metal!

Btw, today I be getting SYL. I heard 'Devour' and I ain't much impressed. Hope the whole album has more power.

MOKSHA - Eilean Righ
try winMX for more choices.

is a Devy album is amazing ? = useless question

i still prefer the new SYL to AE , its just a question
of preference of sound. of course devour dosent make SYL
id ratter say that last minute does it. AE dosent sound
like OM but closer to it than terria which is apperently
the follow up to OM in Devy's mind. AE leaked ? of course.