Aeon - Rise To Dominate


Remove The Limbs
Jul 4, 2007
Canada B.C
I just picked up this CD today and I must say.. DAMN
I can't beleive how far these guys have come. This album is easily in the running for the top 5 of the past 3-4 years.

They have 1 sample song kicking around called 'Living in Sin' but unfortunetly it's pretty much the only song I didn't like. You have to grab the cd to hear all the good ones. \m/
its a great cd but theres things i dont like about it...

Because of the close relationship to Cannibal Corpse, u can tell that they had a HUGE influence on this album (i.e. Corpsegrinder like screams, and generic Cannibal Corpse riffs)

the lyrics are pure Aeon, but the musical side of it sounds like a generic Wretched Spawn to KILL Cannibal Corpse album in my opinion...its still a great cd to listen to and one of my top 5 albums for 2007 so far

idk has anyone else noticed the Corpse influence besides me????
This album owns Cannibal Corpse. The production is the only thing similar to CC. Tommy is a much better vocalist than Corpsegrinder, and I'd say Aeon are better musicians.
This album owns Cannibal Corpse. The production is the only thing similar to CC. Tommy is a much better vocalist than Corpsegrinder, and I'd say Aeon are better musicians.

Aeon are better musicians indeed

The production is the only thing similar to CC.
u cant hear the corpse riffs, or corpsegrinder screams??? lol....Well, this album does pwn CC cds anyday

better musicians?... Alex Webster is an amazing composer.
iv had the pleasure of meeting Alex and his dad a couple times here in Buffalo and on a roadtrip back from Cleveland @ a McDonalds...hahaha
Well, I don't think Tommy sounds anything like Corpsegrinder.

I haven't listened to a CC album in a long time either.
Tommy is 100x better than corpsegrinder lol. His voice has amazing tone + clarity. Something Mr.corpsegrinder could never dream of.

And I must say I like Aeon's guitarists better. They have just as much speed w/melody and heavyness too them. That and the drummer owns CC's by far *drool*
Corpse blowz nowadays. Gimme anything from Eaten-Tomb and I'll be happy. New Aeon is fresh and exciting amongst the thousands of faux "death" metal bands nowadays.
It's pretty good. Nothing ultra awesome though. As for Cannibal Corpse, I like most of the stuff until Gore Obsessed.. after that it's downhill. There are still a million Death Metal bands more interesting than these two :p
Yes indeed,
obviously we arent dealing with the most meaningful lyrics, but death metal is only about 10% lyrics anyways. If that.

Can anybody honestly say they listen to death metal for the lyrics? ha...
I don't listen for lyrics, but good lyrics help... Dark Tranquillity makes some of my favourite lyrics.

Aeon is fun to hear though. I loved their first CD, and was in between about the second. I'll have to check out Rise to Dominate some time
hahaha. Exactly. Aeon is not to be taken too seriously.. It's a fun listen. I imagine that the lyricist probably gets really hammered rants with the band mates/friends and gets all pissed and writes the first pissed off drunken insanity he can think up. haha. I do that when writing e-mails:P

I'm far more anti-everything when drunk and annoyed. hahaha